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A photograph made available 06 December 2012 shows thousands supporters of Ghana's interim president and National Democratic Congress (NDC) presidential candidate John Dramani Mahama gathering during final pre-election campaign rally at trade fair area in Accra, Ghana 05 December 2012. Ghanains head to the polls 07 December to vote in the presidential elections in the West African nation heralded as a beacon of democracy in the region. Photo: Eszter Farkas dpa
Präsidentschaftswahl Ghana 2012图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

阿克拉:初步计票结果显示,加纳总统选举中没有候选人获得明显优势。英国广播公司BBC报道称,现任总统马哈马(John Dramani Mahama)同主要竞选对手阿库福·阿多(Nana Akufo-Addo)的得票率极为接近,难分伯仲。而当地私人电视台Joy News则报道称,马哈马将以微弱优势胜出。该电视台是根据总共261个选区中175个选区的计票结果发布上述消息的。本次总统选举同时也将决定新一届议会的组成。鉴于投票站电子系统出现故障,投票活动被延长至周六。西非共同体的选举观察员称本次选举是在公正和平和气氛中进行的。