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Iranian supporters of top nuclear negotiator and conservative presidential candidate, Saeed Jalili, wave the national flags during his campaign rally at Heydarnia stadium in downtown Tehran on June 12, 2013. Iran's six presidential hopefuls took part in last-ditch election campaigning, hoping to woo the millions of Iranians still undecided between a slew of conservatives and a moderate cleric backed by reformists. AFP PHOTO/BEHROUZ MEHRI (Photo credit should read BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: Behrouz Mehri/AFP/Getty Images


伊朗总统选举今天(6月14日)举行。5000多万名选民将在6名候选人中做出选择,确定现总统艾哈迈迪内贾德的后继者。据当地媒体报道,选民投票踊跃,今天一大早,许多投票站前就出现人群长队。根据伊朗宪法,已蝉联一届的艾哈迈迪内贾德不能再度竞选。4名候选人被认为有当选机会,他们分别是:保守派人士维拉亚提(Ali-Akbar Welajati)和加利巴夫(Bagher Ghalibaf),强硬派贾利勒(Said Dschalili) 和改革派人士鲁哈尼(Hassan Ruhani )。这位温和派和改革派共同推举的候选人在投票后表示,伊朗选民今天会写下历史新篇章。计票结果将于明天上午公布。如果在首轮投票中无人获绝对多数,将在下周五举行第二轮投票。