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Source News Feed: EMEA Picture Service ,Germany Picture Service Philippine President Benigno Aquino delivers his speech on national television as his cabinet members listen, at the Malacanang palace in Manila October 7, 2012. The Philippine government and Muslim rebels have agreed a peace deal for the country's troubled south, Aquino announced on Sunday, signalling an end to a 40-year conflict that has killed more than 120,000 people and crippled the region's economy. REUTERS/Cheryl Ravelo (PHILIPPINES - Tags: POLITICS)
Philippinen Präsident Benigno Aquino图像来源: Reuters

据法新社报道,马尼拉周四宣布,应北京的要求,菲律宾总统阿基诺取消下周对中国的访问。周三,阿基诺曾宣布,将于下周二(9月3日)对南宁进行12个小时的访问,出席中国-东盟经贸展会。菲律宾外交部发言人赫尔南德斯(Raul Hernandez)发表声明称,考虑到中国要求总统在更有利的时机访问中国,总统决定取消行程。在问及中国为何提出这一要求时,赫尔南德斯向法新社表示,"或许你可以问问中国"。中国外交部向法新社发送传真声明,其中没有直接评论阿基诺取消行程,但表示双边关系存在"困难",并敦促马尼拉采取措施消除"障碍"。声明没有说明"障碍"的具体内容。近年来,中国与菲律宾等国围绕南中国海主权争议的紧张关系加剧。