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GettyImages 108145898 Armed police guard outside the venue of the current 11th national congress of Vietnam Communist Party (VCP) in Hanoi on January 17, 2011. Vietnam's ruling communists met on January 17 to choose a new batch of leaders who are expected to oversee a drive to modernise the economy while refusing to abandon the country's authoritarian political system. AFP PHOTO / HOANG DINH Nam (Photo credit should read HOANG DINH NAM/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: AFP/Getty Images


越南政府总理阮晋勇(Nguyen Tan Dung)在该国议会少见的信任表决中受重创。三分之一议员在表决中表示对这位政府总理“缺乏信任”。这是这个一党制国家议会中所允许的最严厉说法。在接受这一首次议会信任表决的47名政府官员中,只有两人得到的评价低于阮晋勇。越南国会周二(6月11日)公布了表决结果。许多越南国民指责阮晋勇要对经济增长缓慢和高通胀承担责任。