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Visitors walk through the square in front of the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, China, Thursday, June 18, 2009. After demonstrations against Chinese rule swept the Tibetan plateau 16 months ago, China tightened monitoring of Tibet's Buddhist clergy, who have often been at the forefront of calls for Tibetan independence and the return of their exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. (ddp images/AP Photo/Greg Baker) // eingestellt von nis
图像来源: dapd


据德新社报道,藏人特别节日“萨嘎达瓦节(Sagadawa)”之际,西藏地方当局规定旅游者不得入住拉萨市中心旅店,已入住者必须离开。据旅店方面和旅游者周一(6月4日)表示,受到影响的多为通往大昭寺(Jokang Tempel)朝圣之路的沿途旅店。一名旅店雇员周一早晨电话告知德新社,所有房客今天早晨都必须离开,旅店在2、3天内不得让人入住。拉萨街头,安全部队人数增加。“萨嘎达瓦节”是纪念和庆祝佛教创始人释加牟尼诞辰、得道及圆寂的节日。信众布施活动在节日期间增加,原因是,根据佛教说法,谁在这一天布施,功德倍增。一周前,在通往大昭寺的朝圣之路上已发生两名藏人自焚抗议事件。当局自此之后,已加强了在拉萨市内的安全措施。人权组织报告说,一周以来,藏区发生了新的逮捕潮。