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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - FEBRUARY 28: Pope Benedict XVI attends a meeting with his cardinals during a farewell ceremony in the Clementine Hall of the Vatican's Apostolic Palace on February 28, 2013 in Vatican City, Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI will acquire the title 'Pope Emeritus' as he retires the pontificate today, and will travel to a papal retreat at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano / Vatican Pool via Getty Images)
图像来源: Getty Images/L'Osservatore Romano


全球各地天主教枢机主教周五(3月1日)正式接到通知,前往罗马,为选举新教皇的枢密会议作准备。据安莎社报道,枢机主教团团长索达诺(Angelo Sodano)发送了邀请函。枢机主教团定于下周一在梵蒂冈召开会议,磋商选举新教皇准备事宜。根据梵蒂冈提供的消息,参加此次选举教皇枢密会议的枢机主教是115名。选举会议何时开始目前尚不清楚。梵蒂冈从周四晚间起进入“过渡期(教皇空缺期)”。来自德国的教皇本笃十六世(Joseph Ratzinger 约瑟夫·拉青格主教)本周三退位,成为近代主动退位的首位天主教罗马教皇。