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Participants from the U.S., Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany prepare to start talks with Iranian negotiators in Almaty April 5, 2013. World powers will urge Iran on Friday to accept their offer to ease some economic sanctions if it stops its most sensitive nuclear work, in talks aimed at easing tensions that threaten to boil over into war. REUTERS/Ilyas Omarov/Pool (KAZAKHSTAN - Tags: POLITICS)
Iran Atomgespräche图像来源: REUTERS

国际社会代表和伊朗之间的核谈判周六在哈萨克斯坦城市阿拉木图继续。所谓的5+1集团(即联合国安理会五个常任理事国加上德国)希望伊朗能够对其提出的最新谈判建议给予"明确无误的回答"。根据六方的建议,伊朗不需要彻底关闭在福尔多的铀浓缩设施,而只需压缩产能。不过,西方外交官对本轮谈判第一天的情况表示失望。美国国务院发言人努兰(Victoria Nuland)在华盛顿透露,谈判尚未取得实质性的进展。