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Ernst Burgbacher, third left, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany, Wang Chao, third right, Vice Minister of Commerce of China, Cai Liming, second right, Vice Governor of Shandong Province, Zhang Hui, second left, Vice Mayoress of Qingdao, and other guests attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the Sino-German Ecological Park in Qingdao city, east Chinas Shandong province, 6 December 2011. The Sino-German Ecological Park started construction Tuesday (6 December 2011) at the the Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong. Jointly initiated by the Chinese and German governments, the eco-park aims at promoting bilateral cooperation and building a model base for Chinese ecological industry. The infrastructure construction of the 10-square-kilometer park will be finished by 2012, introducing a batch of key projects from Germany, while some companies will start operation in 2015.
青岛中德生态园2011年破土动工图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

(德国之声中文网)位于青岛经济技术开发区的中德生态园(Deutsch-Chinesischer Ökopark)于两年前开始启动,规划面积10平方公里。中德生态园管委会办公室主任刘雯向德国之声介绍说,该园区是中德两国政府引导的、市场为主导的、双方共同培植的一个生态工业园。目前园区处于基础设施建设时期,同时也在招商。目的是吸引德国企业来园区投资创业,特别是在生态绿色产业方面。


德国中心将在中德生态园区内为德国中小企业提供办公、会议、食宿等服务。德国中心在中国已经有北京、上海两家。上海德国中心首席执行官索默(Christian Sommer)向德国之声介绍说,一年半以前,上海德国中心与中德生态园所在的青岛黄岛开发区签署《战略合作协议》,确立在生态园设立德国企业中心的共同目标。协议中,黄岛方面同意出资建造办公楼。一年半来,上海德国中心则从未来经营的角度,向黄岛政府提出建筑格局方面的建议。


This photo taken on October 17, 2011 shows ships waiting to be loaded at the harbour in Qingdao, in northeast China's Shandong province. China said its economy grew at a slower pace in the third quarter as government efforts to tame inflation and turbulence in Europe and the United States curbed business activity, as gross domestic product in the world's second-largest economy grew 9.1 percent year-on-year in the quarter, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said, compared with a 9.5 percent year-on-year expansion in the second quarter. CHINA OUT AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
拥有海港是青岛的一大经济优势图像来源: STR/AFP/Getty Images




