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每日报摘 (2012年6月5日)


德媒认为,每逢六四敏感日,中共当局都紧张不安,对任何纪念活动都严厉镇压,甚至对数字都加以屏蔽,然而,上证指数当天的数字巧合让人感到不可思议。-- 摘自《每日镜报》、《世界报》

People hold up lit candles during a candlelight vigil at Hong Kong's Victoria Park Monday, June 4, 2012 to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Chinese military crackdown on the pro-democracy movement in Beijing. The background shows a picture taken from Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 1989. (Foto:Kin Cheung/AP/dapd)
18万香港民众集会悼念六四死难者图像来源: AP
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