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“无国界医生” :叙利亚内战动用了毒气

epa03631753 A handout photo made available by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) shows medics helping a wounded man on stretcher at hospital after what the government claimed to be chemical weapons attack by rebels in Aleppo, Syrian 19 March 2013. The Syrian government on 19 March accused rebels of killing 15 people by using chemical weapons in an attack in Aleppo. The official SANA news agency reported that "terrorists" had fired a rocket containing chemicals in Khan al-Assal, a government-controlled area in the northern province. At least 15 people were killed and others were wounded, SANA said. EPA/SANA HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

根据人道救援组织“无国界医生”消息,叙利亚医院超过3000位有中毒症状的病患接受了医师的治疗。从本周三起,其中超过350人医治无效死亡。“无国界医生”的消息来自于与之有密切合作的三家位于大马士革的医院。联合国裁军事务高级代表凯恩(Angela Kane)今日到达大马士革,她的任务是促成联合国化武专家能够进入疑似被使用化武地区进行调查。美国总统奥巴马与安全顾问就叙利亚问题进行了商议。德国总理默克尔在柏林表示反对军事干预叙利亚内战。