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In this video image made available by the Armed Forces of Malta from an overflying aircraft, a life raft carrying survivors floats in the sea between Malta and the Italian island of Lampedusa, Friday Oct. 11 2013, following the capsize of a boat carrying an estimated 200 migrants. Rescue crews reported seeing bodies in the water but the coast guard said most of the passengers had been rescued. Another shipwreck of a migrants seeking to enter Europe the previous week left at least 339 dead. (AP Photo/ Armed Forces of Malta)
图像来源: picture alliance / AP Photo

意大利兰佩杜萨岛死亡三百余人的沉船事件过去仅一周多后,地中海再次发生难民海上事故。据悉,事故中至少27人死亡,其中包括儿童。意大利和马耳他海军营救了200多人,船只是从非洲开往欧洲的途中沉没的。目前,部分伤者被送往意大利兰佩杜萨岛医治。欧盟委员会内政事宜委员马姆斯特罗姆(Cecilia Malmstrom)称此次的沉船事件“很可怕”,强调需要更多资源,更好地检测和协助遇险船。马耳他总理马斯喀特(Joseph Muscat)周五对记者说,欧洲不应该让地中海成为“墓地”。