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Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble arrives at an euro zone finance ministers meeting in Luxembourg June 20, 2013. Euro zone finance ministers will decide on Thursday when and how their bailout fund can invest in a bank to save it from failure, a long-promised move that aims to break a downward spiral between bad banks and their indebted home countries. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir (LUXEMBOURG - Tags: BUSINESS HEADSHOT POLITICS)
图像来源: Reuters

德国财政部长朔依布勒( Schäuble)承认,2014年之后希腊仍然需要继续获得财政援助。这位德国财政部长在汉堡附近举行的基民盟的一次选举活动上说,为希腊提供第3轮援助不可避免。对于2014年年底对希腊支付了第二个援助计划的全部资金之后希腊如何解决其财政亏空问题,联邦政府迄今一直未进行表态。社民党和绿党称朔伊布勒的讲话打破了禁忌。