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People wait at a bus stop covered with election posters, in the town of Pernik, Friday, May 10, 2013. The big theme of Bulgaria's parliamentary elections this weekend: mounting frustration over the widening gap between the giddy hopes linked to EU membership and today's sobering reality. But few expect things to get any better after the ballot, and the same discredited center-right party is likely to come out on top as voters see no good alternative. (AP Photo/Valentina Petrova)
图像来源: picture-alliance/AP


据官方公布的初步统计结果,保加利亚前执政党赢得了昨天(5月12日)举行的议会提前选举。该国中央选举委员会今天上午宣布,根据对70%选票的点票结果,今年2月下台的前总理博里索夫(Boiko Borissow)领导的争取欧洲进步公民党(GERB)获31%的选票,成为议会第一大党;社会党得票率为27%,位居第二。这表明,曾两度担任总理的博里索夫将有资格再度执掌政府,但除非他愿意领导一个少数派内阁,否则将需要执政伙伴,而组阁谈判会十分艰难。鉴于社会党也宣布将同其它小党谈判联合组阁,因此,重新大选也有可能。