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纳尔逊·曼德拉显然只能靠仪器和呼吸机勉强维持生命。他的家人现在面临着一个伦理上难以抉择的问题:何时关掉抢救仪器? 政治因素以及曼德拉的英雄地位在这一问题上应扮演怎样的角色?

Der ehemalige südafrikanische Präsident und Nobelpreisträger Nelson Mandela bei der Beerdigung des ANC-Mitglieds Adelaide Tambo in Johannesburg (Archivfoto vom 10.02.2007). Am 18. Juli feiert der südafrikanische Nationalheld Nelson Mandela seinen 90. Geburtstag. Foto: Jon Hrusa (zu dpa-Themenpaket: "Nelson Mandela - vom Freiheitskämpfer zum Staatsmann" vom 11.07.2008)
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

(德国之声中文网) 大约一个月前的一个周六夜晚,曼德拉被送入医院。南非总统府正式公布的消息说,这位国家英雄因肺部感染住院治疗。但是这一说法几乎难以令人信服。


Nelson Mandela holds a coin minted in his name, to celebrate his 90th birthday during a ceremony in Johannesburg, South Africa, 07 July 2008. Mandela will be turning 90 years old on 18 July. The coin is being minted by the South African Reserve Bank and will be used by the nation as normal tender. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
曼德拉现在只能靠人工呼吸维持生命图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa



德班纳塔尔大学的生物伦理学教授西尔维斯特·切马(Sylvester China)表示,与德国的情况所不同的是,在南非,如果病人失去表达能力或者事先没有表达愿望,将首先由配偶,其次由子女负责做出决定。同时他补充说,"但是对于像曼德拉这样的一个文化意义上的全球偶像,就此做出决定并非是一件容易的事情。"切马在当地出版的周刊《城市新闻》(City Press)表示,因为就连医生、众多的家庭成员、部族首脑和长老们都在对决定施加影响。

南非传统疗法理事会主席霍罗米萨(Phathekile Holomisa)对该报说:"根据我们的文化传统,任何人都不能结束一个人的生命。"这个决定不能由人来决定。曼德拉的女儿马卡齐薇(Makaziwe)也作了类似表示。她说:应该继续抢救父亲的生命,除非他自己表示愿意结束生命。

Former South African President Nelson Mandela's daughter Makaziwe Mandela (L) and grandson Ndaba Mandela (C) prepare to leave at the end of a court case concerning the removal of the remains of three of the ailing anti-apartheid hero's children, in the High Court of Mthatha in the Eastern Cape of South Africa July 2, 2013. Sixteen members of the Mandela family have already won a court order forcing Nelson Mandela's grandson Mandla Mandela - officially chief of the Mandela clan - to return the bodies that he dug up two years ago from the village of Qunu, where Nelson Mandela grew up. REUTERS/Siegfried Modola (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: POLITICS)
曼德拉的女儿马卡齐薇(Makaziwe)图像来源: Reuters





In this image taken from video, the ailing anti-apartheid icon Nelson Madela is filmed Monday April 29, 2013, more than three weeks after being released from hospital. Mandela was treated in hospital for a recurring lung infection. South African President Jacob Zuma visited the former leader on Monday, but Mandela does not appear to speak during the televised portion of the visit, as he sits in an armchair, his head propped up by a pillow and with his cheeks showing what appear to be marks from a recently removed oxygen mask, although Zuma said he found Nelson Mandela “in good shape and in good spirits”. (AP Photo/SABC TV) SOUTH AFRICA OUT
病榻上的曼德拉图像来源: picture-alliance/AP

全世界的媒体都在讨论是否应该关掉曼德拉的所有医疗救助设备的问题。许多记者和读者都认为,应该让7月18日将年满95岁的曼德拉平静地死去。有些人则回想起另一位重要人物,前以色列总理沙龙( Ariel Scharon)的命运。沙龙从2006年起陷入昏迷状态,迄今一直靠人工手段维持着生命。

来源:福音新教新闻社(epd) 综合报道:李京慧
