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Francesco Schettino, captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, looks on during a trial in Grosseto, central Italy, July 17, 2013. The trial of the captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, which capsized off Italy's coast last year killing 32 people, resumes on Wednesday after it was delayed by a lawyers' strike earlier this month. The trial will examine one of the most dramatic marine accidents in recent Italian history, when the huge liner struck a rock outside the port of Giglio in January 2012 and keeled over on to its side, setting off a chaotic night-time evacuation of more than 4,000 passengers and crew. Schettino, accused of abandoning ship before all crew and passengers had been rescued, faces charges including manslaughter and causing the loss of his ship, which still rests on its side in the Tuscan port. REUTERS/Giampiero Sposito (ITALY - Tags: CRIME LAW MARITIME)
Costa Concordia Prozess Francesco Schettino图像来源: Reuters

在审判意大利豪华邮轮"协和号"(Costa Concordia)搁浅翻船事故责任方的过程中,同船长斯凯蒂诺(Francesco Schettino)一起登上法庭的5名被告被判犯有误杀罪。该船运公司的一名经理以及其他4名船员被判处10个月至2年的徒刑。由于被告之前承认对事故发生负有部分责任,所以得到了一定的减刑。同时,"协和号"船长本人也向法庭提出了一个"建议":如果对他服刑的判决不超过3年零5个月,他就会承认负有部分责任。目前法院就此还没有做出决定。"协和号"于2012年1月在意大利西海岸吉廖岛附近触礁并搁浅倾覆,造成32人丧生。