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epa03607791 Pussy Riot's Yekaterina Samutsevich (L) sits on the stand during the video recording of the theater project 'Moscow Trials' at the Sacharow Centre in Moscow, Russia, 03 March 2013. The theater project by Swiss director Milo Rau and the International Institute of Political Murder re-enacts the trial against Russian punk band Pussy Riot, and continues until 03 March. Three members of Pussy Riot were found guilty of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred in August 2012 for the group's performance at the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Russia. EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

俄罗斯有关当局叫停了一位瑞士导演执导的模拟法庭节目“莫斯科审判”。该节目的内容涉及到了艺术自由的话题。在当地时间本周日上午,有多名身穿制服的人闯进了位于莫斯科的“萨哈罗夫中心”,开始对导演米罗·劳(Milo Rau)和在场的外籍人员进行检查。米罗·劳表示这起事件的发生极其荒谬,这证实了之前各方对俄罗斯当局侵犯言论自由的批评。“莫斯科审判”节目提及的话题包括因在东正教堂进行了批评克里姆林宫的演唱而被捕的俄罗斯庞客乐队“造反小猫”(Pussy-Riot)。