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Bildnummer: 53769104 Datum: 31.08.2009 Copyright: imago/ITAR-TASS MOSCOW, RUSSIA. AUGUST 31, 2009. Head of the Russian NGO For Human Rights, Lev Ponomarev (2nd L), being detained by OMON officers at an opposition protest organized by those who disagree in Moscow s Triumfalnaya Square. PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxONLY OMON Polizei RUS Spezialeinheit Sondereinsatzkommando Sonderkommando Einsatzkommando Polizist Einsatz kbdig xng 2009 quadrat o0 Verhaftung Medieninteresse Bildnummer 53769104 Date 31 08 2009 Copyright Imago ITAR TASS Moscow Russia August 31 2009 Head of The Russian NGO for Human Rights Lev 2nd l Being detained by Omon Officers AT to Opposition Protest Organized by Those Who disagree in Moscow S Triumfalnaya Square PUBLICATIONxINxGERxAUTxONLY Omon Police RUS Special unit Special use command Special command Einsatzkommando Policeman Use Kbdig xng 2009 Square o0 Arrest Media interest
图像来源: imago/ITAR-TASS

据莫斯科回声电台周六报道,俄罗斯特种部队周五夜间突然闯入著名人权活动家波诺马廖夫(Lew Ponomarjow)在莫斯科的办公室,多名人权人士被打伤,其中包括反对党亚博卢(Yabloko)领导人米特罗欣(Sergei Mitrokhin)。莫斯科当局称特种部队采取行动是因为“为了人权”组织的租房合同到期,但是波诺马廖夫驳斥了这一说法。俄罗斯人权活动家抱怨,最近几个月当局加强了对人权组织的打击力度。 前不久几家德国基金会驻莫斯科办事处也受到搜查。