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Seyed Mohammad Khātamī (Persian: سید محمد خاتمی, pronounced [sejˈjed mohæmˈmæde xɒːtæˈmiː]; born October 14, 1943) is an Iranian scholar and politician. He served as the fifth President of Iran from August 2, 1997 to August 3, 2005. He also served as Iran's Minister of Culture in both the 1980s and 1990s. Khatami attracted global attention during his first election to the presidency when, as "a little known cleric, he captured almost 70% of the vote."[1] Khatami had run on a platform of liberalization and reform. During his two terms as president, Khatami advocated freedom of expression, tolerance and civil society, constructive diplomatic relations with other states including those in the Asia and European Union, and an economic policy that supported a free market and foreign investment.
图像来源: ISNA


伊朗改革派确定前总统哈塔米为下届总统候选人。据该国媒体周一(3月4日)报道,改革派联合组织负责人哈格申纳斯(Mohammed-Dschawad Haghshenas)表示,改革派阵营已确定哈塔米为下届总统候选人,而只要他本人不拒绝,这一决定就不会改变。哈塔米本人对是否愿意担任竞选人尚未表态。作为选项,改革派阵营将推举前伊朗核谈判首席代表鲁哈尼(Hassan Ruhani)为总统竞选人。鲁哈尼任核谈判首席代表期间,伊朗曾于2005年一度中止实施铀浓缩计划。接近最高领袖哈梅内伊的保守派阵营有可能在议长拉里贾尼(Ali Laridschani)和前外长维拉亚提(Ali-Akbar Welajati)两人中确定一名总统竞选人。维拉亚提目前担任哈梅内伊的外交顾问。