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A general view taken on May 29, 2013 during a debate on Syria in Geneva. The United States on Wednesday rejected claims from Russia that a resolution it was backing at the UN Human Rights Council condemning the Syrian regime's use of foreign fighters was undermining peace efforts. 'We don't see this as... undermining in any way,' US ambassador to the council Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe told reporters shortly before the UN's top rights body began debating the draft resolution in Geneva. AFP PHOTO / FABRICE COFFRINI (Photo credit should read FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: AFP/Getty Images

在历时一年半的抵制之后,以色列再次与联合国人权理事会恢复联系。正如上周末耶路撒冷政府圈内传出消息所言,以政府派出代表参与周二在日内瓦举行的人权理事会重要会议。人权组织“人权观察”(Human Rights Watch)周一对此表示欢迎。该组织称,以色列结束“带有误导性的抵制”具有积极意义。2012年3月以色列中断与联合国人权理事会的联系,以抗议联合国计划对以色列定居点对巴勒斯坦人权状况影响展开调查。国际社会对以色列政府的抵制决定广泛表示批评。以色列并非人权理事会成员国。