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310711 Israel Proteste



epa02846519 An Israeli girl sleeps in a sleeping bag on a small mattress with her doll nearby in its carriage at sun rise at the 'tent city' in central Jerusalem, Israel, on 29 July 2011. Israelis continue their protests over the rising cost of living and the inadequate, over-priced housing. EPA/JIM HOLLANDER +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
将抗议进行到底图像来源: picture alliance/dpa


抗议活动不时传来嘈杂声,民众把愤怒带到了大街上。尽管如此,人们仍为如此令人振奋的气氛感到高兴。大部分标语是示威者手写在硬纸板上的。带孩子的父母,要么把孩子扛在肩上,要么将还孩子放在婴儿车里推着走。拉菲尔·赫尔什(Raphael Hirsch)带着自己的两个成年子女参加了示威活动。他说:"我们为下一代年轻人感到担心,他们要想找到一个合适的住房很成问题。一切都变得十分昂贵。"


A homeless sleeping in the protesters tents camp in the center of Tel Aviv on Rothschild Boulevard in Israel on July 28, 2011. The 2011 housing protests in Israel are a series of ongoing street demonstrations taking place throughout Israel from 14 July 2011 onwards. The protests began as a result of a Facebook protest group that initially led hundreds of protesters to camp in tents in the center of Tel Aviv on Rothschild Boulevard, an act which soon gained momentum, media attention and began a public discourse in Israel regarding the high cost of housing and living expenses. Soon afterwards, the protests spread to many other cities in Israel as thousands of Israeli protesters began camping in tents in the middle of central streets in major Israeli cities as a means of protest. The protesters object to increasing housing prices in Israel, and especially in the country's major cities, which they claim prevents affordable housing. Photo by Rafael Ben-Ari/Chameleons Eye/ABACAUSA.COM
宿营地现场图像来源: picture alliance/abaca





总理内塔尼亚胡受到的压力越来越大。以色列国会议长瑞夫林(Reuven Rivlin )将就国会议员不在夏休期休假举行投票。8月1日,示威者宣布将举行进一步抗议活动,并在议会前举行游行示威。

作者:Christian Wagner 编译:严严
