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NATHU LA PASS, INDIA: A group of Chinese army officers walk past a display board on the Chinese part of the Indo-Chinese border of Nathu La, some 52 kilometres (33 miles) east of Gangtok, 05 July 2006. Formal trading is due to begin at the 15,000-foot (4,545 metre) Nathu La Pass on the border between India's Sikkim state and China's Tibet region, 06 July 2006. Indian businessmen and local people expect a change in the region's economy patterns following the formal resumption of trade between India and China when the Nathu La Pass, along the historic Silk Route, re-opens on the border. AFP PHOTO/ Deshakalyan CHOWDHURY (Photo credit should read DESHAKALYAN CHOWDHURY/AFP/Getty Images)
Indisch-Chinesische Grenze Grenzpass图像来源: Getty Images

值南海地区形势紧张之时,中国国防部长梁光烈周日抵达印度,开始为期四天的访问。这是8年来中国国防部长首次访问印度。之前,梁光烈在对斯里兰卡的访问中在该国国防指挥参谋学院发表演讲,强调中国遵循和平共处,互惠双赢的原则,并承诺向斯里兰卡提供1200万美元军事援助。在对印度的访问中,梁光烈将和该国国防部长举行会晤,讨论边界安全问题,但边界划分和主权之争可能不在议题之列。印度方面透露,双方可能将宣布新一轮联合军事演习。 此外,与阿富汗、巴基斯坦的关系,北约2014年从该地区撤军后所带来的安全挑战也是会谈议题。随同梁光烈访问的代表团成员包括西藏军区司令员杨金山。最近,印度驻华大使获准前往西藏访问。