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The Audio Tutor can be used in the classroom to learn vocabulary and verbal methods of expression or idiomatic phrases. Worksheets allow you to further enhance what you have already been learnt.

The Audio Tutor is exactly the right format for you if you want to enhance your "German as a foreign language " classes and make them more interesting. The Audio Tutor Mp3 files can be used to practice listening comprehension but mainly to improve your pronunciation. By listening carefully and repeating what is being spoken the learner quickly gets used to the sound of the German language. Because all audio examples are spoken by a female and male narrator the learner also has two verbal examples or variants.‎

In addition, the Audio Tutor worsksheets offer learners the chance of training listening comprehension as well as checking spelling. Hand out the worksheets in your course and let the learners listen to the respective chapter. According to the level of ability stop after every word or sentence and let the learner fill in the gaps in the worksheets. Correct together in the plenum.

Recommend the Audio Tutor to the learners or individual chapters that correspond to your subject matter, for learning individually at home. The learners can also take the opportunity to subscribe to the Audio Tutor via the RSS Feed and then listen on the Mp3 player or iPod.

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