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Ubistva neonacista

2. maj 2013.

Prva žrtva je pala u septembru 2000, poslednja u aprilu 2007. Dugo se smatralo da je reč o mafijaškim ubistvima. Istina je izbila na videlo tek krajem 2011. U Minhenu je u toku suđenje...

FREI FÜR SOCIAL MEDIA Beate Zschaepe (C), a member of the neo-Nazi group National Socialist Underground (NSU) stands in the court before the start of her trial in Munich May 6, 2013. The surviving member of NSU blamed for a series of racist murders that scandalised Germany and shamed its authorities goes on trial on Monday in one of the most anticipated court cases in recent German history. The trial in Munich will focus on 38-year-old Zschaepe, who is charged with complicity in the murder of eight Turks, a Greek and a policewoman between 2000-2007, as well as two bombings in immigrant areas of Cologne, and 15 bank robberies. REUTERS/Michael Dalder (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS CRIME LAW)
Erster Tag NSU-ProzessFoto: Reuters/Michael Dalder

Prva žrtva je pala u septembru 2000, poslednja u aprilu 2007. Dugo se smatralo da je reč o mafijaškim ubistvima. Istina je izbila na videlo tek krajem 2011. U Minhenu je u toku suđenje...

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