WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.150 --> 00:00:04.380 Fruit and vegetables - in the brightest possible colors. 2 00:00:04.390 --> 00:00:08.230 Lots of influencers recommend what's called a 'rainbow diet' -- 3 00:00:08.230 --> 00:00:10.280 eating foods based on color. 4 00:00:10.289 --> 00:00:13.970 It's said to strengthen your immune system and promote good health. 5 00:00:15.250 --> 00:00:17.930 "I would always recommend eating lots of colorful 6 00:00:17.950 --> 00:00:19.130 vegetables and fruit." 7 00:00:19.773 --> 00:00:22.489 So do colors really make a difference? 8 00:00:24.957 --> 00:00:28.710 Susanne Raff has been selling fresh produce at a weekly market 9 00:00:28.820 --> 00:00:30.780 for 25 years. 10 00:00:32.890 --> 00:00:35.370 She grows some of the produce herself. 11 00:00:39.130 --> 00:00:42.979 "Back during my training days -- so a long time ago -- we learned about 12 00:00:42.990 --> 00:00:44.280 the rainbow diet... 13 00:00:44.290 --> 00:00:49.020 that to get all the necessary trace elements, enzymes and antioxidants, 14 00:00:49.270 --> 00:00:54.600 you have to eat red, yellow, green, blue, purple and orange vegetables." 15 00:00:56.467 --> 00:01:00.036 Hyped on the internet, the rainbow diet has become popular. 16 00:01:00.320 --> 00:01:04.530 Its proponents sometimes claim particular colors are associated 17 00:01:04.600 --> 00:01:06.700 with specific health benefits. 18 00:01:07.840 --> 00:01:11.456 Blue, for example, is associated with improved memory function 19 00:01:11.456 --> 00:01:13.507 and a balanced mood. 20 00:01:13.507 --> 00:01:18.340 Orange - as in oranges, carrots or turmeric - is said 21 00:01:18.360 --> 00:01:19.550 to promote fertility. 22 00:01:19.560 --> 00:01:24.430 Red - like raspberries, strawberries or bell peppers are 23 00:01:24.430 --> 00:01:26.680 thought to be anti-inflammatory. 24 00:01:26.690 --> 00:01:30.250 Other colors like green or yellow are also rumored to have 25 00:01:30.260 --> 00:01:31.780 certain health benefits. 26 00:01:33.440 --> 00:01:37.209 At the German Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food, 27 00:01:37.260 --> 00:01:40.480 Daniela Graf studies secondary metabolites in plants. 28 00:01:40.490 --> 00:01:43.950 Our foods contain thousands of these compounds, 29 00:01:43.959 --> 00:01:45.830 and some remain poorly understood. 30 00:01:45.840 --> 00:01:47.417 But one thing is clear: 31 00:01:47.710 --> 00:01:50.860 "The health benefits of fruit and vegetables 32 00:01:50.860 --> 00:01:52.630 aren't linked to their color. 33 00:01:52.640 --> 00:01:54.920 Just eating a red fruit doesn't mean it'll have 34 00:01:54.930 --> 00:01:56.460 this or that effect." 35 00:01:57.370 --> 00:02:00.620 That's because particular colors aren't always caused by 36 00:02:00.630 --> 00:02:02.600 the same compounds: 37 00:02:03.673 --> 00:02:05.571 "Take tomatoes and strawberries, for example. 38 00:02:06.330 --> 00:02:09.590 Most people would say they're relatively similar colors. 39 00:02:09.590 --> 00:02:13.000 In tomatoes though, the red comes from lycopene. 40 00:02:13.370 --> 00:02:16.460 That's a compound in the group of carotenoids. 41 00:02:16.930 --> 00:02:19.850 In strawberries, the red comes from anthocyanins." 42 00:02:21.737 --> 00:02:24.990 Lab work and small-scale clinical studies show 43 00:02:25.000 --> 00:02:29.510 that the anthocyanins found in some berries, red cabbage and black 44 00:02:29.530 --> 00:02:33.030 soybeans have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. 45 00:02:33.180 --> 00:02:37.660 And that could help protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer. 46 00:02:38.060 --> 00:02:41.790 That's because they're antioxidants that help prevent damageto 47 00:02:41.810 --> 00:02:43.240 to the body's cells. 48 00:02:43.660 --> 00:02:47.669 But Daniela Graf says that we still don't know that much about how 49 00:02:47.680 --> 00:02:50.493 the body absorbs anthocyanins. 50 00:02:52.110 --> 00:02:55.860 "Anthocyanins are pretty unstable, and aren't absorbed in large 51 00:02:55.870 --> 00:02:59.360 quantities directly, but rather as their broken-down catabolic 52 00:02:59.370 --> 00:03:00.770 or metabolic products. 53 00:03:02.147 --> 00:03:06.120 "However, there are promising studies indicating that breakdown 54 00:03:06.130 --> 00:03:10.260 products from anthocyanins might have an effect on the microbiome 55 00:03:10.270 --> 00:03:11.500 in the gut. 56 00:03:11.770 --> 00:03:13.360 So what about yellow? 57 00:03:13.370 --> 00:03:17.680 For example, the compound curcumin, found in the turmeric root. 58 00:03:17.690 --> 00:03:20.690 Jan Frank has been studying the substance for more than 20 59 00:03:20.690 --> 00:03:21.680 years. 60 00:03:21.690 --> 00:03:24.860 What possible effects could this intense color have? 61 00:03:26.610 --> 00:03:30.120 "There are many secondary plant metabolites including curcumin, 62 00:03:30.120 --> 00:03:32.270 which is yellow and has certain effects. 63 00:03:32.280 --> 00:03:35.350 But other secondary metabolites have different colors -- like green 64 00:03:35.360 --> 00:03:37.530 or red -- but similar effects. 65 00:03:37.540 --> 00:03:39.860 So color and effect aren't directly related." 66 00:03:41.337 --> 00:03:45.760 There are many lab and animal studies indicating that curcumin 67 00:03:45.760 --> 00:03:49.410 can be anti-inflammatory, it could help prevent cancer 68 00:03:49.500 --> 00:03:51.090 and relieve pain. 69 00:03:51.100 --> 00:03:54.570 And some studies suggest the yellow compound even helps 70 00:03:54.580 --> 00:03:56.190 guard against dementia. 71 00:03:56.200 --> 00:04:00.310 However, large-scale studies in humans proving preventive and 72 00:04:00.320 --> 00:04:03.570 curative properties have yet to be carried out. 73 00:04:03.840 --> 00:04:07.550 Very little of the curcumin eaten is actually absorbed. 74 00:04:07.660 --> 00:04:10.490 Most is excreted again relatively quickly. 75 00:04:10.500 --> 00:04:14.290 Experts think the process might help train the body in how to get 76 00:04:14.300 --> 00:04:16.380 rid of more toxic substances. 77 00:04:18.440 --> 00:04:21.290 "The body thinks everything is harmful at first. 78 00:04:21.300 --> 00:04:25.570 It's careful, so it converts stuff into products it can excrete. 79 00:04:25.980 --> 00:04:29.370 And this also trains it to eliminate substances that are 80 00:04:29.380 --> 00:04:32.470 really bad for you, like toxins or carcinogens. 81 00:04:32.480 --> 00:04:35.570 If you consume them, the body is then poised to excrete them 82 00:04:35.570 --> 00:04:36.890 in the urine." 83 00:04:37.476 --> 00:04:40.890 Tomatoes are popular the world over. 84 00:04:40.990 --> 00:04:45.640 Their standard red color is mainly due to the compound lycopene. 85 00:04:45.860 --> 00:04:50.020 Up to 5 milligrams can be found in 100 grams of fresh tomatoes. 86 00:04:50.140 --> 00:04:53.040 Lycopene is a member of the carotene family, 87 00:04:53.050 --> 00:04:55.279 associated especially with carrots. 88 00:04:55.800 --> 00:04:58.940 But carotenes are also abundant in broccoli. 89 00:05:00.529 --> 00:05:04.260 Many studies have focused on lycopene...looking at whether it 90 00:05:04.270 --> 00:05:08.410 might slow down the aging process, prevent cancer and protect 91 00:05:08.420 --> 00:05:11.290 the heart, or have an impact on diseases like 92 00:05:11.300 --> 00:05:13.150 diabetes and osteoporosis. 93 00:05:14.940 --> 00:05:18.200 "Just like curcumin, lycopene is a substance that has a lot 94 00:05:18.230 --> 00:05:19.720 of interesting effects. 95 00:05:19.730 --> 00:05:23.270 But we don't yet have really convincing studies proving that it 96 00:05:23.279 --> 00:05:24.500 has them in humans." 97 00:05:25.976 --> 00:05:29.060 But even if the colors in fruit or vegetables say nothing 98 00:05:29.070 --> 00:05:33.390 definitive about particular health issues, eating a rainbow diet still 99 00:05:33.400 --> 00:05:34.870 has a positive effect. 100 00:05:36.730 --> 00:05:40.550 "Going with colorful is a good rule of thumb, because it ensures you 101 00:05:40.560 --> 00:05:43.200 eat a varied diet, and avoid an unbalanced one!" 102 00:05:45.110 --> 00:05:49.300 "Susanne Raff has always eaten plenty of fresh produce, and says 103 00:05:49.310 --> 00:05:51.810 she practically never has to go to the doctor. 104 00:05:51.820 --> 00:05:54.779 "So I think eating 105 00:05:54.790 --> 00:05:57.720 lots of vegetables and fruit does have an effect. 106 00:05:57.730 --> 00:05:59.210 It helps keep you healthy!" 107 00:05:59.220 --> 00:06:03.540 To maximize the positive health effects, fruit and 108 00:06:03.550 --> 00:06:07.210 vegetables should be on your table every day...combined in 109 00:06:07.220 --> 00:06:08.570 many different ways. 110 00:06:08.580 --> 00:06:11.089 That will help ensure you get the most out of 111 00:06:11.100 --> 00:06:12.610 the nutrients they offer.