WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.470 --> 00:00:04.790 Breakfast has become an exact science, weighed out to the gram. 2 00:00:05.269 --> 00:00:09.497 Henning Schnoor has diabetes, and tries to keep his blood sugar levels 3 00:00:09.497 --> 00:00:12.090 in check with a strict diet. 4 00:00:14.490 --> 00:00:18.530 Oatmeal is good as it doesn't make your blood sugar 5 00:00:18.530 --> 00:00:21.610 rise so sharply, in fact it even lowers it. 6 00:00:23.320 --> 00:00:24.709 He's pretty disciplined. 7 00:00:24.720 --> 00:00:28.880 But he still tests his blood regularly to make sure all is well. 8 00:00:29.440 --> 00:00:33.600 Henning Schnoor was diagnosed with diabetes almost 2 years ago. 9 00:00:33.920 --> 00:00:37.150 Left to his own devices, he wouldn't have made an appointment 10 00:00:37.159 --> 00:00:38.379 with the doctor. 11 00:00:38.400 --> 00:00:41.620 It was someone else that urgedhim to take action. 12 00:00:44.320 --> 00:00:47.880 My partner works at the hospital. 13 00:00:48.520 --> 00:00:52.200 She noticed that I was quite thirsty at night and drank a lot of water. 14 00:00:54.040 --> 00:00:57.520 She told me it's a typical sign of type 2 diabetes. 15 00:00:59.200 --> 00:01:00.350 And she was right. 16 00:01:00.360 --> 00:01:02.670 His blood sugar levels were very high. 17 00:01:02.680 --> 00:01:06.480 Type 2 diabetes is usually associated with older people. 18 00:01:06.480 --> 00:01:08.350 But it can occur at any age. 19 00:01:08.360 --> 00:01:12.310 Henning Schnoor is only in his 30s. 20 00:01:13.630 --> 00:01:18.110 With type 2 diabetes especially, you don't have any immediate symptoms. 21 00:01:18.190 --> 00:01:20.530 You don't notice your blood sugar is high. 22 00:01:21.030 --> 00:01:23.539 But the consequences can be serious. 23 00:01:23.550 --> 00:01:27.550 The condition can lead to heart attacks, blindness or 24 00:01:27.550 --> 00:01:28.860 wounds that won't heal. 25 00:01:28.870 --> 00:01:31.059 Many men are like Henning Schnorr. 26 00:01:31.069 --> 00:01:33.979 They'll go to the doctor if they think something's wrong. 27 00:01:33.990 --> 00:01:38.950 But not just for a check-up. 28 00:01:38.950 --> 00:01:41.650 I think that's especially true of young men. 29 00:01:41.709 --> 00:01:44.410 If you're not ill, you don't go to the doctor. 30 00:01:44.790 --> 00:01:47.450 I think lots of people are that way generally. 31 00:01:47.630 --> 00:01:50.530 Why would I go to the doctor if I have no symptoms? 32 00:01:51.800 --> 00:01:55.000 Andreas Massion almost left it too late to see a doctor. 33 00:01:55.240 --> 00:01:59.200 Seven years ago, his GP sent him for a colonoscopy. 34 00:01:59.440 --> 00:02:01.660 He was devastated by the result. 35 00:02:04.940 --> 00:02:06.440 Colon cancer. 36 00:02:06.540 --> 00:02:09.639 Just the word was so scary and such a shock. 37 00:02:10.030 --> 00:02:12.600 Especially as I never had any real pain. 38 00:02:13.139 --> 00:02:16.320 I didn't go to the doctor because I thought there was something there. 39 00:02:16.419 --> 00:02:17.710 I had no idea. 40 00:02:20.090 --> 00:02:23.160 Gastroenterologist Peter Übel discovered the tumor 41 00:02:23.160 --> 00:02:24.870 during the colonoscopy. 42 00:02:24.880 --> 00:02:27.750 It had grown to nearly 9 centimetres in length. 43 00:02:27.760 --> 00:02:31.560 Andreas Massion underwent surgery, which was successful. 44 00:02:31.680 --> 00:02:33.580 He's now doing well again. 45 00:02:34.930 --> 00:02:38.810 If you've been cancer-free for five years, that magic five-year mark, 46 00:02:38.810 --> 00:02:41.870 you're considered relatively out of the woods. 47 00:02:42.290 --> 00:02:45.770 So how can more men be persuadedto undergo screening? 48 00:02:45.930 --> 00:02:50.130 Celebrities can help promote early detection of colon cancer, for example. 49 00:02:50.130 --> 00:02:52.040 And there are many brochures. 50 00:02:52.050 --> 00:02:55.210 But such campaigns are not actually that successful. 51 00:02:55.450 --> 00:02:57.750 Men continue to avoid screening. 52 00:02:57.770 --> 00:03:00.353 Experts say we need to start much earlier, 53 00:03:00.353 --> 00:03:03.030 educating children and adolescents. 54 00:03:06.270 --> 00:03:09.020 I think it's important in families that fathers go to the 55 00:03:09.030 --> 00:03:12.070 doctor with their children, so that the sons can see that 56 00:03:12.070 --> 00:03:14.650 their fathers are also taking careof their health. 57 00:03:14.669 --> 00:03:15.610 That's key. 58 00:03:18.040 --> 00:03:21.480 Just a few weeks after his cancer operation 7 years ago, 59 00:03:21.520 --> 00:03:24.140 Andreas Massion was back at work. 60 00:03:24.200 --> 00:03:27.140 He manages a children's activity center. 61 00:03:27.600 --> 00:03:30.880 He's so glad that he went for a checkup just in time. 62 00:03:31.080 --> 00:03:36.252 His message to other men is clear: 63 00:03:38.320 --> 00:03:41.100 Leave your comfort zone and get it done. 64 00:03:42.960 --> 00:03:45.977 Lots of excuses might come to mind: 65 00:03:45.977 --> 00:03:48.780 I've got no time and this and that. 66 00:03:49.040 --> 00:03:52.440 That may all be true, but this is about me. 67 00:03:53.080 --> 00:03:55.540 I only survived because I took action. 68 00:03:55.680 --> 00:03:58.710 I'm very grateful for that and I can only pass it on: 69 00:03:58.720 --> 00:04:00.820 Just do it and don't put it off. 70 00:04:02.520 --> 00:04:03.990 An appeal to all. 71 00:04:04.000 --> 00:04:07.470 Go to the doctor from time to time, even when you're young, 72 00:04:07.630 --> 00:04:10.510 and it could save you problems in later life.