WEBVTT 1 00:00:07.280 --> 00:00:10.760 I was hoping to go and work overseas. 2 00:00:10.760 --> 00:00:12.680 And one day, I was approached. 3 00:00:14.240 --> 00:00:17.120 It starts with an attractive job offer abroad. 4 00:00:18.360 --> 00:00:20.280 And it ends in modern slavery. 5 00:00:21.760 --> 00:00:24.360 I cannot just say that I want to go out. 6 00:00:24.400 --> 00:00:28.880 They have guns, they can shoot you. 7 00:00:30.240 --> 00:00:32.320 Here, in Southeast Asia, 8 00:00:32.360 --> 00:00:35.800 thousands of people are trafficked into secret sites, 9 00:00:35.800 --> 00:00:40.080 where they are forced to scam unsuspecting victims across the globe. 10 00:00:41.080 --> 00:00:44.080 I was so shocked to hear how big the compound is 11 00:00:46.640 --> 00:00:48.360 it's like running a corporation. 12 00:00:48.360 --> 00:00:53.240 Their only hope: a few volunteers and activists who help them escape. 13 00:00:53.240 --> 00:00:54.680 We're coming down. 14 00:00:58.119 --> 00:01:00.920 But who is behind this brutal scam factory? 15 00:01:02.160 --> 00:01:06.280 We go to one of the largest scamming operations in Southeast Asia 16 00:01:06.320 --> 00:01:08.320 to track down the perpetrators. 17 00:01:08.360 --> 00:01:13.000 We followed the money, and it led us to a vast criminal network 18 00:01:13.000 --> 00:01:14.520 spanning the globe. 19 00:01:18.400 --> 00:01:21.080 He says he used to fight for the cartels, 20 00:01:21.119 --> 00:01:24.239 and now he fights for the Chinese Communist Party. 21 00:01:35.280 --> 00:01:39.640 In 2022, Aaron was finishing his university degree 22 00:01:39.640 --> 00:01:41.560 in a country in southern Africa, 23 00:01:41.680 --> 00:01:45.720 when he was recruited by a technology company based in Thailand. 24 00:01:46.200 --> 00:01:49.680 On Google Maps, I could see they have different locations, 25 00:01:49.680 --> 00:01:51.360 some of them in Thailand. 26 00:01:52.520 --> 00:01:56.040 I thought everything was legit - until I got to Bangkok. 27 00:01:59.280 --> 00:02:01.000 When I arrived in Bangkok, 28 00:02:01.080 --> 00:02:03.840 I saw someone was waiting for me with a sign, 29 00:02:03.879 --> 00:02:05.320 my name was on it. 30 00:02:06.239 --> 00:02:09.840 He took me to a car with two other guys. 31 00:02:13.400 --> 00:02:16.360 We were supposed to go to a hotel that is like, 32 00:02:16.400 --> 00:02:18.920 maybe 10 minutes away from the airport. 33 00:02:18.959 --> 00:02:21.439 But we drove in a different direction. 34 00:02:24.400 --> 00:02:28.680 Instead of a ten-minute ride, Aaron was in the car for hours. 35 00:02:29.479 --> 00:02:32.760 That�s when we realized we are not going to Bangkok. 36 00:02:35.920 --> 00:02:38.160 I was so scared. 37 00:03:06.239 --> 00:03:07.959 Then the car parked at a house. 38 00:03:07.959 --> 00:03:09.640 The group is ushered in. 39 00:03:11.119 --> 00:03:13.400 We were told to hide with the pigs. 40 00:03:14.000 --> 00:03:16.800 We don't understand what is happening here. 41 00:03:18.720 --> 00:03:20.520 They hide for hours. 42 00:03:20.520 --> 00:03:24.080 Under the cover of dark, they�re taken to a nearby river. 43 00:03:32.080 --> 00:03:33.520 We must keep down. 44 00:03:33.560 --> 00:03:34.560 Keep down. 45 00:03:37.840 --> 00:03:40.000 Now, we are really afraid. 46 00:03:43.959 --> 00:03:45.080 The boat came. 47 00:03:45.120 --> 00:03:46.720 They put our bags in. 48 00:03:48.280 --> 00:03:51.920 There are people with guns, they said we should get in the boat 49 00:03:51.920 --> 00:03:53.439 and we crossed. 50 00:03:55.119 --> 00:03:58.119 Aaron and the rest of the group were brought to a compound 51 00:03:58.119 --> 00:04:00.840 surrounded by high walls with barbed wire. 52 00:04:01.879 --> 00:04:03.680 Now, they�re trapped inside. 53 00:04:04.959 --> 00:04:07.080 This is the river that Aaron crossed. 54 00:04:07.080 --> 00:04:10.720 The Moei marks the border separating Thailand and Myanmar. 55 00:04:10.760 --> 00:04:14.600 On the Burmese side, it isn�t always clear who is in control. 56 00:04:19.080 --> 00:04:21.119 For most of its history, 57 00:04:21.160 --> 00:04:23.879 Myanmar has been ruled by a brutal military regime. 58 00:04:24.360 --> 00:04:26.920 But here at the eastern border with Thailand, 59 00:04:26.920 --> 00:04:29.720 armed groups of the Karenni ethnic minority 60 00:04:29.800 --> 00:04:31.640 have fought for their independence. 61 00:04:31.640 --> 00:04:34.920 But a decade ago, the reality on the ground changed. 62 00:04:36.400 --> 00:04:38.959 Some groups still fight the government. 63 00:04:40.680 --> 00:04:44.080 But others have made a deal with the Burmese military. 64 00:04:46.360 --> 00:04:51.000 Today, these former rebels form the official Border Guard Forces. 65 00:04:51.640 --> 00:04:56.080 And in exchange, they are free to pursue their own business interests. 66 00:04:58.400 --> 00:05:02.000 KK Park ? this is where Aaron is taken to. 67 00:05:02.000 --> 00:05:05.800 Thousands are trafficked here and forced to scam people in China, 68 00:05:05.800 --> 00:05:07.320 the US, and Europe. 69 00:05:08.200 --> 00:05:11.200 There are a few compounds like this in the area. 70 00:05:11.879 --> 00:05:14.760 But this one is the most notorious. 71 00:05:14.760 --> 00:05:17.879 And the most secretive one. 72 00:05:22.280 --> 00:05:27.119 Armed soldiers guard the entrances and CCTV cameras are everywhere. 73 00:05:33.560 --> 00:05:37.800 We reviewed exclusive images taken from within the compound 74 00:05:37.800 --> 00:05:40.840 and spoke to several victims who were held here. 75 00:05:40.879 --> 00:05:44.320 They all recognized the badges on the guards' uniforms. 76 00:05:44.360 --> 00:05:47.400 They are the insignia of the Border Guard Forces 77 00:05:47.439 --> 00:05:49.760 the former rebels who changed sides. 78 00:05:52.600 --> 00:05:57.280 One thing is clear: soldiers from Myanmar�s Border Guard Force 79 00:05:57.280 --> 00:05:58.959 are present in KK Park. 80 00:06:06.080 --> 00:06:10.000 In KK Park, Aaron meets Lucas from western Africa 81 00:06:10.000 --> 00:06:12.680 he was also trafficked into the compound. 82 00:06:15.720 --> 00:06:19.280 They received detailed instructions on how to scam people 83 00:06:19.320 --> 00:06:21.280 upon arriving at the compound. 84 00:06:22.360 --> 00:06:25.000 We reviewed several of these manuals 85 00:06:25.000 --> 00:06:29.280 and they carefully explain how to build trust and exploit weaknesses 86 00:06:29.320 --> 00:06:31.600 in their so-called client, such as: 87 00:06:32.640 --> 00:06:34.760 Be funny, make clients fall in love with you 88 00:06:34.760 --> 00:06:36.479 so deeply that they forget everything. 89 00:06:38.320 --> 00:06:41.040 Sometimes it is the need for love. 90 00:06:41.360 --> 00:06:44.680 And sometimes, it is the need to connect with others. 91 00:06:49.680 --> 00:06:53.160 Where I live, we don�t have a lot of Asian populations. 92 00:06:54.560 --> 00:06:57.439 I was talking with some Asian people online. 93 00:06:57.720 --> 00:07:00.640 I met this Asian person. 94 00:07:00.640 --> 00:07:02.720 He told me he's from California. 95 00:07:06.640 --> 00:07:09.800 Laura is a Chinese immigrant in a Western country. 96 00:07:10.800 --> 00:07:16.680 After a while, this guy, he says we have this type of crypto currency. 97 00:07:17.040 --> 00:07:19.920 I wanted to learn how cryptocurrency works so... 98 00:07:20.000 --> 00:07:22.640 and this person was so kind. 99 00:07:22.640 --> 00:07:24.720 He said, I'm going to teach you. 100 00:07:28.320 --> 00:07:33.360 Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are increasingly popular as investments. 101 00:07:33.360 --> 00:07:36.640 The risk is high, but so are the margins for profit. 102 00:07:36.680 --> 00:07:41.119 They are largely unregulated, and transactions are difficult to trace. 103 00:07:41.160 --> 00:07:44.439 That also makes them attractive for organized crime. 104 00:07:47.119 --> 00:07:51.600 So I trusted this person, you know, I let him teach me. 105 00:07:52.640 --> 00:07:56.640 You invest in the website, you can see your funds there, 106 00:07:56.640 --> 00:07:58.439 you can take out that money. 107 00:07:59.760 --> 00:08:02.800 The scammers groom the victims, often for months, 108 00:08:02.879 --> 00:08:05.600 and persuade them to invest more and more. 109 00:08:05.640 --> 00:08:08.320 Laura thought the website was legitimate. 110 00:08:08.360 --> 00:08:12.520 She believed she exchanged her savings for a lucrative investment. 111 00:08:12.560 --> 00:08:15.520 But instead, her money went to a crypto wallet, 112 00:08:15.560 --> 00:08:20.320 the equivalent of a digital account, controlled by the scammers. 113 00:08:22.879 --> 00:08:27.280 I wanted to withdraw a couple thousand dollars, and I couldn't withdraw them. 114 00:08:27.280 --> 00:08:29.600 And this person was pushing me 115 00:08:29.600 --> 00:08:33.680 to invest more money into this cryptocurrency. 116 00:08:34.760 --> 00:08:36.640 The website is suddenly down. 117 00:08:37.200 --> 00:08:41.119 The scammer goes silent, and your money is gone. 118 00:08:42.760 --> 00:08:45.439 This form of scamming is called pig-butchering 119 00:08:45.439 --> 00:08:49.600 the scammer fattens the victim and then goes in for the slaughter. 120 00:08:51.160 --> 00:08:55.119 And you�re left wondering, why is this person doing this to me? 121 00:08:56.760 --> 00:09:00.040 After being scammed, Laura started a volunteer group 122 00:09:00.080 --> 00:09:02.040 to help other scammed victims. 123 00:09:02.640 --> 00:09:05.239 But then, something unexpected happened. 124 00:09:07.640 --> 00:09:11.200 We thought that everybody in this scam industry is a criminal, 125 00:09:11.200 --> 00:09:15.160 is a bad person until one day someone reached out to us 126 00:09:15.160 --> 00:09:19.080 and said he had been trafficked into this scam compound. 127 00:09:21.959 --> 00:09:25.200 And I was so shocked to hear how big the compound is 128 00:09:25.280 --> 00:09:27.320 it's like running a corporation. 129 00:09:34.160 --> 00:09:37.239 People are trafficked in from all over the world. 130 00:09:37.320 --> 00:09:41.959 But several sources confirmed that the bosses in the compound are Chinese. 131 00:09:42.040 --> 00:09:46.119 They track screen time on work phones and randomly inspect rooms. 132 00:09:47.760 --> 00:09:50.080 Security was checking our computers, 133 00:09:50.119 --> 00:09:52.920 seeing if we were doing our job or playing. 134 00:09:54.200 --> 00:09:57.000 Lucas and Aaron received financial targets: 135 00:09:57.040 --> 00:10:01.400 numbers of clients to be contacted and amount of money to be scammed. 136 00:10:01.439 --> 00:10:04.040 If there is no client at noon, no lunch. 137 00:10:04.119 --> 00:10:07.320 If someone checks and you didn't reply to a client, 138 00:10:07.360 --> 00:10:10.080 they beat you or make you stand for hours. 139 00:10:10.840 --> 00:10:15.879 We work 17 hours a day, no complaints, no holidays, no rest. 140 00:10:16.800 --> 00:10:20.200 And if we say we want to leave, they tell us that they will sell us 141 00:10:20.200 --> 00:10:21.200 or kill us. 142 00:10:30.160 --> 00:10:34.000 Last night, I got a message from somebody inside the compound 143 00:10:34.040 --> 00:10:36.239 saying I think I'm going to get out tomorrow. 144 00:10:37.439 --> 00:10:41.600 Judah and Mechelle are aid workers on the Thai side of the border. 145 00:10:41.640 --> 00:10:45.400 They help trafficked victims escape from these brutal compounds. 146 00:10:45.400 --> 00:10:47.840 Today, a group of victims reached out. 147 00:10:55.959 --> 00:11:00.439 From what I understand, the majority of them have just been disruptive, 148 00:11:00.520 --> 00:11:04.680 they have refused to work, they've been problematic to the bosses. 149 00:11:04.720 --> 00:11:07.520 And so, you've refused to work, 150 00:11:07.520 --> 00:11:10.000 so then they're going to sell you to another compound. 151 00:11:12.360 --> 00:11:15.439 When victims are transferred to another compound, 152 00:11:15.479 --> 00:11:19.320 they often go through Thailand because the roads are faster and safer. 153 00:11:19.680 --> 00:11:23.720 This is Judah and Mechelle�s only chance to intercept the group. 154 00:11:25.280 --> 00:11:31.720 Not every rescue is successful, and not every rescue or case provides you 155 00:11:31.720 --> 00:11:34.479 with the opportunity to actually track and intercept. 156 00:11:34.479 --> 00:11:38.160 If a phone goes dark, you can't chase a ghost around town. 157 00:11:38.479 --> 00:11:40.439 I need to alert them soon as they can 158 00:11:40.479 --> 00:11:43.400 because if they stop at a traffic light, 159 00:11:43.439 --> 00:11:44.400 it's their chance to get out. 160 00:11:46.360 --> 00:11:50.119 He has not responded since 07:13, 161 00:11:50.119 --> 00:11:54.640 and his update of his live tracking hasn't updated for 11, 12 minutes. 162 00:11:54.680 --> 00:11:56.280 It�s not a good sign. 163 00:12:01.959 --> 00:12:05.479 The story of these scam factories begins in Beijing 164 00:12:05.479 --> 00:12:07.400 with a grandiose announcement: 165 00:12:09.640 --> 00:12:13.000 We stand ready to join people around the world 166 00:12:13.000 --> 00:12:15.479 to build the Belt and Road Initiative. 167 00:12:17.479 --> 00:12:20.680 In 2013, China�s head of state Xi Jinping 168 00:12:20.680 --> 00:12:23.560 announced a massive investment program abroad. 169 00:12:24.080 --> 00:12:27.040 The Belt and Road Initiative was intended to link China 170 00:12:27.040 --> 00:12:28.720 closer to global trade. 171 00:12:28.800 --> 00:12:31.800 One of its biggest target countries was Myanmar. 172 00:12:34.160 --> 00:12:37.080 It was the opening shot for Chinese investors 173 00:12:37.119 --> 00:12:40.840 to rush and build out infrastructure in this impoverished country. 174 00:12:41.119 --> 00:12:44.840 But it was also an opportunity for a much shadier business. 175 00:12:45.280 --> 00:12:48.040 Here in Karen State, near the Thai border, 176 00:12:48.080 --> 00:12:50.360 whole new cities sprung up within years, 177 00:12:50.360 --> 00:12:54.600 destined to be Asia�s new gambling destination for Chinese clients. 178 00:12:59.560 --> 00:13:03.439 Gambling is illegal in mainland China and most of Southeast Asia. 179 00:13:03.439 --> 00:13:08.160 But here, in this war-torn part of Myanmar, nobody is looking. 180 00:13:11.160 --> 00:13:15.200 This promotional video shows what the billion-dollar investments 181 00:13:15.239 --> 00:13:18.520 would look like for a gigantic gambling town on the border. 182 00:13:25.360 --> 00:13:29.560 Here, Chinese businessman She Zhijiang is seen signing the project. 183 00:13:30.160 --> 00:13:34.200 Next to him: The head of the former rebels-turned-border guards. 184 00:13:38.360 --> 00:13:41.879 Chinese government reports initially hailed this project 185 00:13:41.920 --> 00:13:44.879 as an integral part of Belt and Road ambitions. 186 00:13:46.280 --> 00:13:49.920 Only when reports of widespread organized fraud sprang up, 187 00:13:50.000 --> 00:13:51.800 did Beijing distance itself. 188 00:13:54.119 --> 00:13:58.720 Just two years later, a few kilometers due south, the same solemn scenes. 189 00:13:59.600 --> 00:14:04.000 Saixigang: a place meant to become another gambling destination. 190 00:14:04.520 --> 00:14:09.119 The visionary: Wan Kuok Koi, a notorious crime boss from Macao, 191 00:14:09.119 --> 00:14:11.640 present at the groundbreaking ceremony. 192 00:14:13.640 --> 00:14:16.959 He also goes by the nickname Broken Tooth. 193 00:14:21.600 --> 00:14:24.080 KK Park, the scam compound, 194 00:14:24.080 --> 00:14:27.280 lies just in the middle of these two casino cities. 195 00:14:27.320 --> 00:14:30.959 But here, there is no public opening ceremony. 196 00:14:30.959 --> 00:14:33.080 Those behind it remain a mystery. 197 00:14:40.400 --> 00:14:43.920 Rumors circulate that one of these two Chinese investors 198 00:14:44.000 --> 00:14:46.400 could be behind this cruel operation. 199 00:14:46.439 --> 00:14:49.160 But so far, proof remains elusive 200 00:14:52.920 --> 00:14:56.520 Aaron and Lucas spend several months in KK Park. 201 00:14:56.520 --> 00:14:59.720 As time passes, they become increasingly desperate. 202 00:15:01.560 --> 00:15:05.640 After they said no salary, we started to complain, 203 00:15:05.640 --> 00:15:08.080 and then we refused to work. 204 00:15:09.040 --> 00:15:11.360 Suddenly, they must pack their bags. 205 00:15:11.959 --> 00:15:15.879 I heard them saying they would sell us to a place in northern Myanmar. 206 00:15:15.879 --> 00:15:19.400 Workers who are of no use to the bosses are often resold 207 00:15:19.439 --> 00:15:21.119 to other criminal groups. 208 00:15:21.360 --> 00:15:24.879 Aaron, Lucas, and others are taken to the banks of the Moei. 209 00:15:24.879 --> 00:15:29.040 To hide their traces, they are forced to switch cars several times 210 00:15:31.680 --> 00:15:33.959 and wait in shacks along the river. 211 00:15:36.640 --> 00:15:38.760 Once they cross to the Thai side, 212 00:15:38.800 --> 00:15:41.280 traffickers will take them to the north. 213 00:15:43.560 --> 00:15:44.600 OK, stand by. 214 00:15:47.239 --> 00:15:48.840 They�re in town, man. 215 00:15:48.879 --> 00:15:50.080 They�re like... 216 00:15:50.119 --> 00:15:52.160 They're literally, if we had turned down that street, 217 00:15:52.160 --> 00:15:54.040 they're at the end of the street at the river right there. 218 00:15:58.760 --> 00:16:01.520 You just don't want to drive down to them until you know. 219 00:16:01.520 --> 00:16:02.959 You know you know. 220 00:16:03.959 --> 00:16:08.000 Judah and Mechelle are close to the victims but intercepting now 221 00:16:08.040 --> 00:16:09.320 would be too dangerous. 222 00:16:09.439 --> 00:16:12.360 They don't know if the traffickers are armed. 223 00:16:15.879 --> 00:16:18.600 OK, his last message says: We're in a bunker after the river. 224 00:16:18.600 --> 00:16:20.600 I don�t know what�s down the end of that river. 225 00:16:25.200 --> 00:16:28.080 It�s a really small little narrow road, too. 226 00:16:29.600 --> 00:16:30.600 Hello. 227 00:16:33.200 --> 00:16:34.920 He didn�t say. 228 00:16:35.320 --> 00:16:37.320 He just started sending that live location 229 00:16:37.320 --> 00:16:39.000 from that one message that we got. 230 00:16:40.720 --> 00:16:42.520 Could be in a van, could be in a house. 231 00:16:47.040 --> 00:16:51.160 I see in my thing he's like pinned back into one of those houses. 232 00:16:52.360 --> 00:16:53.760 Into one of the houses? 233 00:16:53.760 --> 00:16:54.439 Yeah. 234 00:16:54.439 --> 00:16:55.879 OK, I'll turn around and come back. 235 00:17:02.760 --> 00:17:05.080 OK. Head out on that street. 236 00:17:13.000 --> 00:17:14.320 Hey. 237 00:17:14.320 --> 00:17:16.200 They�re right down the street behind us. 238 00:17:16.200 --> 00:17:17.520 We just drove past them. 239 00:17:24.040 --> 00:17:27.439 The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates 240 00:17:27.479 --> 00:17:30.800 that so-called pig-butchering scams in Southeast Asia 241 00:17:30.879 --> 00:17:33.600 generate more revenue than the drug trade. 242 00:17:34.080 --> 00:17:37.479 KK Park alone makes tens of millions of euros a month. 243 00:17:40.360 --> 00:17:43.400 We followed the money trail from several scammed victims 244 00:17:43.400 --> 00:17:45.080 to see where it leads. 245 00:17:48.119 --> 00:17:52.080 Like Laura, they invested their money in a fake cryptocurrency site. 246 00:17:52.080 --> 00:17:56.439 And unwittingly transferred their funds to a wallet used by scammers. 247 00:17:59.239 --> 00:18:02.239 To hide its trace, criminals re-routed the money 248 00:18:02.280 --> 00:18:07.360 until it reached wallets KK Park uses to pool the defrauded funds. 249 00:18:09.439 --> 00:18:13.320 These wallets then made several direct transfers to other accounts, 250 00:18:13.320 --> 00:18:14.840 including this one. 251 00:18:14.879 --> 00:18:18.119 Millions of euros worth in crypto passed through it. 252 00:18:19.360 --> 00:18:22.920 We were able to identify and corroborate that this wallet 253 00:18:23.000 --> 00:18:26.520 was opened by this Chinese businessman based in Bangkok. 254 00:18:28.640 --> 00:18:31.040 During the time the cash was flowing, 255 00:18:31.080 --> 00:18:35.560 Wang Yi Cheng was the vice president of the Thai-Asia Trade Association 256 00:18:35.600 --> 00:18:38.800 located in this building on the fringes of Bangkok. 257 00:18:41.400 --> 00:18:44.600 This is also the building of a Chinese association: 258 00:18:44.640 --> 00:18:47.560 the Overseas Hongmen Culture Exchange Center. 259 00:18:50.320 --> 00:18:52.400 Both the location and the center 260 00:18:52.439 --> 00:18:55.439 came into the focus of Thai authorities in 2023. 261 00:18:56.920 --> 00:19:00.160 In February, police raided the building on suspicion 262 00:19:00.239 --> 00:19:02.879 of serving as a front for organized crime 263 00:19:02.959 --> 00:19:05.600 along with another cultural association in Bangkok 264 00:19:05.600 --> 00:19:08.400 using the same name: Hongmen. 265 00:19:13.360 --> 00:19:16.000 The Hongmen were a Chinese secret society 266 00:19:16.040 --> 00:19:18.959 dating back to China�s imperial era. 267 00:19:18.959 --> 00:19:22.239 With time, they developed links with organized crime 268 00:19:22.280 --> 00:19:24.560 and close ties with Chinese triads. 269 00:19:26.959 --> 00:19:31.040 Triads are vast criminal networks with thousands of members. 270 00:19:31.040 --> 00:19:34.760 They operate globally and are involved in drug trafficking, 271 00:19:34.800 --> 00:19:39.680 human trafficking, extortion, and other criminal activity. 272 00:19:42.720 --> 00:19:46.040 What Hongmen does is it takes a lot of the symbolism, 273 00:19:46.080 --> 00:19:50.560 a lot of the stories of the Chinese underworld and it popularizes them. 274 00:19:51.680 --> 00:19:56.360 This is Jason Tower, a leading expert on organized crime in Asia 275 00:19:58.200 --> 00:20:01.800 The scamming operations stemming out of KK Park 276 00:20:01.800 --> 00:20:05.720 trace back to a complex network of businesses and associations 277 00:20:05.760 --> 00:20:09.560 used by well-connected criminals to legitimize their crimes. 278 00:20:12.879 --> 00:20:17.400 And they all lead to one prominent figure - Broken Tooth. 279 00:20:19.080 --> 00:20:23.600 Here we can see him visiting the Thai branch of the Hongmen association, 280 00:20:23.640 --> 00:20:26.560 the same one that was raided by local police. 281 00:20:28.320 --> 00:20:34.560 Broken Tooth rose to power in the 80s and 90s as a member of the 14K triad, 282 00:20:34.560 --> 00:20:37.160 one of Hong Kong�s largest gangs. 283 00:20:38.280 --> 00:20:40.600 Notorious for his ruthlessness, 284 00:20:40.600 --> 00:20:43.879 he took over as the 14K leader in neighboring Macao, 285 00:20:43.920 --> 00:20:46.239 at the time Asia�s gambling capital. 286 00:20:47.400 --> 00:20:50.959 But the failed assassination of a prosecutor led to his arrest. 287 00:20:50.959 --> 00:20:53.320 He spent more than a decade in jail. 288 00:20:56.080 --> 00:21:00.239 When he was released in 2012, times had changed. 289 00:21:00.239 --> 00:21:03.160 Macao had been handed over to mainland China. 290 00:21:03.200 --> 00:21:07.000 The mafia boss rebranded himself as a patriotic businessman. 291 00:21:10.720 --> 00:21:13.200 He invested in cryptocurrencies, 292 00:21:13.239 --> 00:21:16.680 casinos, and real estate all over Asia. 293 00:21:17.640 --> 00:21:20.840 And even named a beer brand after Hongmen 294 00:21:21.760 --> 00:21:25.720 Never missing an opportunity to show his support for China 295 00:21:25.720 --> 00:21:27.400 and the Communist Party. 296 00:21:32.680 --> 00:21:35.640 We must jointly support the cause of national unification 297 00:21:35.640 --> 00:21:40.600 and support the great renaissance of the Chinese nation. 298 00:21:45.640 --> 00:21:50.800 Wan Kuok Koi also has a quote that he uses fairly regularly: 299 00:21:50.800 --> 00:21:53.439 he says he used to fight for the cartels, 300 00:21:53.479 --> 00:21:55.600 and now he fights for the Chinese Communist Party. 301 00:21:56.040 --> 00:21:58.320 In 2018, Broken Tooth 302 00:21:58.320 --> 00:22:02.160 established the World Hongmen History and Culture Association 303 00:22:02.760 --> 00:22:07.040 an organization that has since spread its presence across the globe. 304 00:22:09.160 --> 00:22:12.760 Two years later, Broken Tooth and his Hongmen association 305 00:22:12.800 --> 00:22:15.200 were sanctioned by the United States. 306 00:22:16.360 --> 00:22:20.000 In the announcement, they drew links between Broken Tooth, 307 00:22:20.080 --> 00:22:23.800 the Chinese Communist Party, and Belt and Road investments. 308 00:22:24.119 --> 00:22:26.400 China has denied these allegations. 309 00:22:31.239 --> 00:22:34.000 It is unclear whether the sanctions had any impact 310 00:22:34.040 --> 00:22:36.320 on Broken Tooth�s businesses. 311 00:22:37.080 --> 00:22:41.879 From Bangkok, his network continues to expand from Southeast Asia to Africa, 312 00:22:43.479 --> 00:22:46.720 the Middle East, and even North America. 313 00:22:49.800 --> 00:22:53.080 We really see that these criminal networks 314 00:22:53.080 --> 00:22:54.800 are becoming more and more powerful, 315 00:22:54.800 --> 00:22:56.959 more and more influential and more and more embedded 316 00:22:56.959 --> 00:22:58.840 in different countries around the world. 317 00:22:58.600 --> 00:23:00.800 And the efforts by law enforcement 318 00:23:00.879 --> 00:23:04.760 are really only touching the tip of the iceberg at this point. 319 00:23:05.760 --> 00:23:09.439 The group of trafficked victims have informed Judah and Mechelle 320 00:23:09.439 --> 00:23:11.280 that they have been put in taxis 321 00:23:11.320 --> 00:23:13.640 and are now driving to an unknown location. 322 00:23:13.640 --> 00:23:15.760 Now is their chance to intercept. 323 00:23:16.320 --> 00:23:20.959 We're looking for a taxi with the license plate 95, 324 00:23:20.959 --> 00:23:23.520 yellow and blue coming up on that side of the road. 325 00:23:23.520 --> 00:23:25.119 That could be them right there. 326 00:23:27.560 --> 00:23:29.320 965. It's probably 65. 327 00:23:29.360 --> 00:23:30.800 You think it's 65? 328 00:23:34.479 --> 00:23:36.760 That's the river right there, guys. 329 00:23:36.800 --> 00:23:37.800 The bridge. 330 00:23:54.920 --> 00:23:58.119 It does show that we're on top of them on the road though. 331 00:23:58.119 --> 00:23:59.080 So, I think that's our car. 332 00:23:59.080 --> 00:24:00.119 It's a yellow and blue. 333 00:24:00.119 --> 00:24:01.600 Yeah and he�s confirmed 65, 334 00:24:01.600 --> 00:24:04.400 but I mean literally we're sitting at the traffic lights together. 335 00:24:04.400 --> 00:24:09.879 So can we tell them we're behind them, that they can run or no? 336 00:24:16.959 --> 00:24:20.320 I'm going to say that everyone's probably heading in the same direction 337 00:24:20.320 --> 00:24:21.520 to the same hotel. 338 00:24:21.520 --> 00:24:23.840 Possibly, I think he just passed us. 339 00:24:25.800 --> 00:24:26.920 We�re just at... 340 00:24:26.959 --> 00:24:29.160 we just passed the traffic lights. 341 00:24:29.200 --> 00:24:30.920 Yeah, he just went past us... 342 00:24:31.920 --> 00:24:34.879 OK, we're behind a yellow taxi. 343 00:24:35.680 --> 00:24:38.040 turned down the side street. 344 00:24:39.560 --> 00:24:41.400 OK, pull over, pull over, pull over. 345 00:24:44.920 --> 00:24:46.720 OK, I can see where they're at. 346 00:24:46.720 --> 00:24:47.879 I know which hotel they're at. 347 00:24:49.959 --> 00:24:52.680 Can you see it? Can you see it on the pin? 348 00:24:53.360 --> 00:24:54.360 Yep. 349 00:24:54.400 --> 00:24:57.479 We�re just one street in front of it. 350 00:24:57.479 --> 00:24:59.760 They�re behind, I can see where they�re at. 351 00:25:01.200 --> 00:25:02.720 Are they all there? 352 00:25:03.119 --> 00:25:04.119 Yeah. 353 00:25:04.520 --> 00:25:05.959 We're coming down. 354 00:25:06.200 --> 00:25:07.920 Jesus, help us. Protection. 355 00:26:18.720 --> 00:26:22.080 Judah and Mechelle bring the victims to a safe house, 356 00:26:22.119 --> 00:26:24.239 where they explain what will happen next. 357 00:26:24.239 --> 00:26:28.439 Authorities will either recognize them as victims of human trafficking 358 00:26:28.439 --> 00:26:30.560 and repatriate them home. 359 00:26:30.560 --> 00:26:33.479 Or charge them with violating immigration laws, 360 00:26:33.840 --> 00:26:36.320 which might mean more time behind bars 361 00:26:36.360 --> 00:26:39.080 this time in an official detention center. 362 00:26:47.879 --> 00:26:50.400 You never actually switch off then. 363 00:26:50.400 --> 00:26:52.720 You try to give the victims a chance, 364 00:26:52.800 --> 00:26:54.760 the people a chance to kind of breathe. 365 00:26:54.760 --> 00:27:00.200 For the first time perhaps in 8, 9, 10 months, they've ever taken a breath. 366 00:27:04.040 --> 00:27:07.040 But you stand there looking out the door, 367 00:27:07.040 --> 00:27:08.840 thinking, is anyone going to turn up? 368 00:27:09.640 --> 00:27:11.320 Are we going to be caught? 369 00:27:11.400 --> 00:27:14.840 Is there going to be something that comes in aftermath? 370 00:27:16.560 --> 00:27:19.960 This moment of respite will last for three days. 371 00:27:19.960 --> 00:27:22.640 Then they must report to the authorities. 372 00:27:23.400 --> 00:27:26.000 It was not an easy experience. 373 00:27:26.640 --> 00:27:28.960 And I hope I can go back to my country 374 00:27:29.000 --> 00:27:31.640 and find a job that I was graduated for. 375 00:27:31.960 --> 00:27:33.480 To start a new life.