Society and Transparency: Is Modern Data Driven Journalism a Big Leap Forward? | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 18.03.2013
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Society and Transparency: Is Modern Data Driven Journalism a Big Leap Forward?

Monday, 17 June 2013, 2:00 p.m., Plenary Chamber

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München Digitalisierungszentrum ***Bite vermerken Sie im Fotonachweis Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Der Form halber darf ich darauf hinweisen, dass eine Verwendung der Bilder in einem anderen als dem vereinbarten Verwendungszweck erneut genehmigungspflichtig wäre.***

Deutsche Welle and Intajour

Digitization has created new opportunities for journalistic research and presentation. Data journalists raise the potential of the media to fulfill its function as society's watchdog in regard to economics and politics. They use digital tools to quickly browse huge amounts of data and reveal new facts and conclusions to their audience.

This panel will give an overview of the state of the art in data-driven journalism and show best practice examples from Costa Rica, Germany and elsewhere. The panel will discuss the relevance of modern data-driven journalism for developing countries and examine the training needs involved.

Following the panel discussion, Ms. Segnini and Mr. Lorenz will demonstrate some of the tools and methods used in data-driven journalism. You are welcome to join. Further details will be announced. If you are interested, please send a short message to


Eggert, Werner
Director and Chairman of the Management Board, International Academy of Journalism, Hamburg, Germany


Hank, Holger
Head of Digital Division, DW Akademie, Bonn, Germany

Kreutz, Christian
Co-founder of the German Open Knowledge Foundation and founder of crisscrossed GmbH, Frankfurt/M, Germany

Lorenz, Mirko
Freelance Journalist and Information Architect, Bonn, Germany

Segnini, Giannina
Trainer at the International Academy of Journalism and Head of Investigative Research at La Nacion, San José, Costa Rica

Complete Session on Soundcloud:
WS02 - Society and Transparency - Is Modern Data Driven Journalism a Big Leap Forward?