Participation and cyber security – friends or foes? | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 27.11.2013
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Participation and cyber security – friends or foes?

Disclosure of the NSA's global surveillance activities dealt a severe blow to people's trust in digital society.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014, 11:00 a.m., Plenary Chamber

Although improving civic engagement, transparency and democratic participation are hardly conceivable without modern information and communication technologies, this one high-profile example clearly shows the high price to be paid. Are such serious disadvantages and potential threats simply to be accepted as par for the course? What can be done to counteract widespread loss of personal privacy? And what serious challenges lurk ahead for people, businesses, media and society at large in the shape of cyber crime, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage and cyber diplomacy?


Abbas, Ahmad
COO Qsoft, Managing Director of Bassems Show Albernameg, Egypt

Gaycken, Dr. Sandro
Senior Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Harrison, Sarah
WikiLeaks Journalist, UK

Shea, Jamie
Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, NATO, Belgium


Goff, Brent
News Anchor & Host, Deutsche Welle, Germany