
Lesson 77: Giving reasons 3 – etwas begründen 3

There are many reasons why you might not want to do something. Expand your vocabulary with the Audio Tutor. Here you can learn new words and improve your pronunciation.

Fill in the gaps.

Why aren't you eating the cake? – Warum essen Sie die Torte nicht?

I must lose weight. – Ich muss abnehmen.

I'm not eating it because I must lose weight. – Ich esse sie nicht, weil ich abnehmen muss.

Why aren't you drinking the beer? – _____________________

I have to drive. – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________

Why aren't you drinking the coffee? – _____________________

It is cold. – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________

Why aren't you drinking the tea? – _____________________

I have no sugar. – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________

Why aren't you eating the soup? – _____________________

I didn't order it. – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________

Why don't you eat the meat? – _____________________

I am a vegetarian. – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________