Fact and fancy – How verification can protect the news | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 30.04.2015
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Fact and fancy – How verification can protect the news

Hosted by Deutsche Welle

It seems as if traditional news agencies have become obsolete. Information makes its way to us daily via Twitter and other social media channels, and often it's first-hand and practically immediate. In virtually every region of the world, people are photographing, filming, posting and sharing in real time. In crisis regions where journalists' work has become almost impossible, user-generated content (UGC) is often the only source of news. Can media companies afford to ignore this development any longer? Which information enhances news reporting and which doesn't? As can be seen in recent examples from Ukraine and Syria, user-generated content can also be used as an opportunity to distribute targeted propaganda. How can newsrooms ensure reliable verification of user-generated content in their day-to-day workflows? And what editorial processes and structures are required? How can technology help? And how should matters of ethics and security be handled?

Workshop participants will jointly examine the basic principles and techniques of verifying user-generated content and its significance for reporting.