Amplifying the role of media in furthering cross-cultural understanding: the UNAOC Media Program | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 15.05.2012
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Amplifying the role of media in furthering cross-cultural understanding: the UNAOC Media Program

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26 June 2012, 11:30 a.m., Room C
Hosted by
United Nations Alliance Of Civilization

The significant influence of the media in shaping the way we see the world and in setting the agenda of public debates is a widely recognized fact. This power can have positive as well as negative effects. On the one hand, the media is often criticized for producing generalizations and clear-cut assessments of complex issues that can potentially strengthen stereotypes and harden polarized opinions. But the media is also a potent force in challenging prejudice and in channeling new ideas and perspectives. Through accurate coverage, truth-seeking, quality analysis and debate, journalists and editors can play a positive role in ensuring that a broad diversity of voices are being heard on divisive issues. The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations aims to capitalize on the constructive role of the media in helping to expand public understanding.


Durand, Stéphanie
Media and Partnerships Officer, UNAOC