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epa03762062 Newly sworn-in Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (L) and Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese arrive at the House of Representatives at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, 27 June 2013. Kevin Rudd was sworn in as Australia's new prime minister 27 June after defeating Julia Gillard in a Labor party caucus ballot. Her party dumped Gillard because it is trailing Tony Abbott's conservatives in opinion polls and faced a disastrous showing at the ballot box. EPA/ALAN PORRITT AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


吉拉德(Julia Gillard)总理被推翻后一天,陆克文(Kevin Rudd)周四(6月27日)宣誓就任澳大利亚总理,执政的工党高层长达3年的内部权争由此达到高潮。陆克文曾于2007至2010年担任总理,后被吉拉德取代。3个月后,这个全球第12大经济体将举行议会选举。民调结果显示,工党面临惨败。随着总理易人,澳大利亚内阁人事大变动。预算部长斯万(Wayne Swan)等吉拉德的支持者必须让位。作为澳大利亚历史上首位女总理的吉拉德宣布,大选后退出政界。