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GettyImages 167092917 Iraqi security forces frisk men arriving to cast their votes at a polling station during provincial elections on April 20, 2013 in Baghdad. Iraqis voted in the country's first polls since US troops departed, a key test of the country's stability in the face of a spike in attacks that has claimed more than 100 lives. AFP PHOTO/SABAH ARAR (Photo credit should read SABAH ARAR/AFP/Getty Images)
伊拉克选举期间安全措施严格图像来源: AFP/Getty Images

尽管采取了严格的安全防范措施,但是伊拉克选举期间仍发生多起爆炸袭击事件。在首都巴格达南部发生的一起炸弹爆炸事件导致多人受伤。其他一些地区也传来投票站遭到袭击的消息。 政府呼吁1400多万伊拉克选民选举新的省议会。据估计,只有不到一半的选民参加了投票。这是自2011年12月美军撤出伊拉克以来的首次选举。预计下周才能公布选举结果。