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290711 Israel Unzufriedenheit



A homeless sleeping in the protesters tents camp in the center of Tel Aviv on Rothschild Boulevard in Israel on July 28, 2011. The 2011 housing protests in Israel are a series of ongoing street demonstrations taking place throughout Israel from 14 July 2011 onwards. The protests began as a result of a Facebook protest group that initially led hundreds of protesters to camp in tents in the center of Tel Aviv on Rothschild Boulevard, an act which soon gained momentum, media attention and began a public discourse in Israel regarding the high cost of housing and living expenses. Soon afterwards, the protests spread to many other cities in Israel as thousands of Israeli protesters began camping in tents in the middle of central streets in major Israeli cities as a means of protest. The protesters object to increasing housing prices in Israel, and especially in the country's major cities, which they claim prevents affordable housing. Photo by Rafael Ben-Ari/Chameleons Eye/ABACAUSA.COM
抗议者搭起了帐篷图像来源: picture alliance/abaca




抗议发起人达夫尼·勒芙(Daphne Leef)说:"因为缺少住房,以色列人才走到大街上抗议。因为要表达对政府的不满,他们才住在大街上。只要总理和以色列政府没有提交出一项经过深思熟虑、具有革命性的改革方案,抗议者还会继续逗留在大街上。而且这项改革方案必须要立即从根本上解决大多数人的困难。"

epa02846519 An Israeli girl sleeps in a sleeping bag on a small mattress with her doll nearby in its carriage at sun rise at the 'tent city' in central Jerusalem, Israel, on 29 July 2011. Israelis continue their protests over the rising cost of living and the inadequate, over-priced housing. EPA/JIM HOLLANDER +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
直到获得满意的答复才肯撤离图像来源: picture alliance/dpa



以色列"第10频道"政治评论员亚尔·纳达夫 (Eyal Nadav)分析说,以色列的中产阶层多年来被政府忽视。他说:"人们针对政府的抗议已经持续了多年,不仅仅是抗议内塔尼亚胡政府,还要抗议不惜损害中产阶层利益,扶植对政府起到支撑作用的行业和利益集团。以色列有让人们买得起的住房,但2010年国家批准规划的土地中,56%都被用于给极端保守的犹太人建造住房。这的确是一个事实,因为中产阶级没有自己的党派。"


目前,以色列全国各地都有示威者搭起的"抗议帐篷"。人们对该国高昂的住房租金、幼儿园费用、过低的工资和退休金表示不满。特拉维夫政治学家、内政专家大卫·纳赫米亚斯( David Nachmias)说,政府陷入了巨大的民愤。他说:"中产阶层要求公正公平的分配,但内塔尼亚胡没有给出令人信服的回答。他被右翼党派和极端保守党派组成的执政联盟所限制。以色列有强大的经济实力,但中产阶层并没有在经济增长中受益。"

ISRAEL, TEL AVIV - JULY 28 2011: General view of the protesters tents camp in the center of Tel Aviv on Rothschild Boulevard. The 2011 housing protests in Israel are a series of ongoing street demonstrations taking place throughout Israel from 14 July 2011 onwards. The protests began as a result of a Facebook protest group that initially led hundreds of protesters to camp in tents in the center of Tel Aviv on Rothschild Boulevard, an act which soon gained momentum, media attention and began a public discourse in Israel regarding the high cost of housing and living expenses. Soon afterwards, the protests spread to many other cities in Israel as thousands of Israeli protesters began camping in tents in the middle of central streets in major Israeli cities as a means of protest. The protesters object to increasing housing prices in Israel, and especially in the country's major cities, which they claim prevents affordable housing.
特拉维夫的“帐篷示威者”图像来源: picture alliance/Photoshot



作者:Tim Aßmann 编译:严严
