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sraeli children eat pizza next to a water tank near the West Bank Jewish settlement of Beit El, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, Tuesday, March 1, 2011. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a longtime settlement advocate. But on Monday, he hinted that Israel might have to curb its settlement ambitions in response to pressure from the international community, which deplores the construction on lands the Palestinians want for a future state. (ddp images/ddp images/AP Photo / Bernat Armangue)
圖片來源: Reuters


據以色列軍方消息,以色列軍事行政部門又批准在佔領的約旦河西岸再建296套住宅,地點是拉姆安拉附近的貝特埃爾(Beit El)移民區。去年6月,一批猶太移民未經政府許可便在該地安營紮寨,他們表示,只要在該地新修300套新宅,他們便自動離開。數天前,以色列總理納坦雅胡宣布暫停繼續在佔領區修建新住宅。