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BURUNDI: Le chef des FNL-PALIPEHUTU rentre au pays.

30 mai 2008

Agathon Rwasa est rentré de son exil tanzanien pour participer aux discussions de paix. Il s'agit d'une avancée significative,mais le plus dur reste à faire. Le point avec Willy Nindorera, analyste politique burundais.

Burundian boys look at the remains of a house in Bujumbura, Burundi, Sunday , April 27 . 2003 that was hit by a rocket fired by Hutu rebels on April 18. in which three girls were killed in the attack. On Wednesday President Pierre Buyoya will step down and hand over to Vice President Domicien Ndayizeye as part of an August 2000 power-sharing agreement that was supposed to end the conflict. However, fighting between Hutu rebels and the Tutsi-dominated army continues.(AP Photo/Karel Prinsloo)
Maison détruite par les combats entre rebelles et troupes loyalistes près de Bujumbura.Image : AP