Democracy in numbers

Source: Transparency International
The "Corruption Perceptions Index" from the NGO Transparency International ranks individual countries based on how corrupt their leaders and public sector are perceived to be. The index is based on sources from numerous independent institutions. On a scale of 0 to 10, the highest value indicates the lowest level of corruption and the best result.
Source: Freedom House
Political rights:
The assessment of political rights is based on reports from the NGO Freedom House. It examines individual countries according to their electoral process, political pluralism and participation as well as the functioning of government. On a scale from 0 to 40, the highest value indicates the best possible result.
Source: Freedom House
Civil liberties:
The assessment of civil liberties from the "Freedom in the World" report from Freedom House examines the factors freedom of expression and belief, associational and organizational rights, rule of law, and personal autonomy and individual rights. The scale ranges from 0 to 60, whereby the highest value indicates the greatest possible freedoms.
Source: Freedom House
Freedom of the press:
The "Freedom of the Press" report from Freedom House examines the legal, political and economic environment for the media, such as constitutional guarantees of freedom of the press, access to information, protection of sources, censorship as well as political pressures and economic factors that could influence reporting. On our scale of 0 to 100, the highest value indicates the greatest freedom of the press.
Source: World Economic Forum
Gender equality:
The "Global Gender Gap Report" from the World Economic Forum examines progress in the reduction of gender disparities based on economic, political, educational and health criteria. Examples are income gap between men and women and the percentage of women in leader-
ship positions. Our scale ranks the countries from 0 to 10, with the highest value indicating the greatest degree of equality.
* The statistic applies to 2011