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Why Trump is so popular at Germany's carnival celebrations

February 17, 2017

Cartoonists around the world love the new US president for his unique hairdo, but that's not all. As the Carnival season really kicks off in Germany, Donald Trump-style wigs are just about sold out.

Hoppeditz with Trump wig
Düsseldorf's traditional "Hoppeditz" character wore a Trump-inspired wig in November 2016Image: picture-alliance/dpa/F. Gambarini

"The "president's wig" is sold out," says Marion Wendt, sales manager at the Cologne branch of Deiters, a German costume chain. It's also sold out in many of the chain's other shops nationwide, while Maskworld in Berlin is more than pleased at how the "typical Trump hairdo" is selling like hotcakes this time of year.

No matter how unpopular US President Donald Trump may be, his look is coveted for Carnival this year. Dressing up as Trump is a relatively affordable affair, too: suit, wig, long red tie and lots of orange face make-up.

Euromaxx: Here's how you can dress up as President Donald Trump at this year's Carnival!

Shops selling Carnival costumes and apparel have all reported heightened interest in Trump-style wigs, while shops that don't carry that particular version tell Carnival-crazy shoppers to go for the "Heino" wig instead, referring to a popular German bard with a similarly peculiar hairstyle.

Trump floats

Trump is also sure to be lampooned on the large floats that cruise down the streets in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Mainz on Rose Monday. In 2016, a float touting the then presidential candidate as a naked bottom with ears and, of course, hair was a big hit in the parade in Düsseldorf.

Trump float
Last year's none-too flattering float in DüsseldorfImage: Reuters/I. Fassbender

On November 11, 2016, the actual start of the current Carnival season in the Rhineland area, that city dressed up its popular fictional Carnival character, the "Hoppeditz," as Trump. With or without the presidential hairstyle, it should be noted that the "Hoppeditz" is always burned and his ashes laid to rest when the season ends on Ash Wednesday.

Sometimes more, sometimes less subtly, many Carnival shows in the region also take aim at the new US president. The highly popular "Stunksitzung" show in Cologne that runs almost nightly for weeks on end shot Trump to the moon this season with the words: "Get lost, you won't be missed."

Cowboys should leave the toy guns at home

No doubt anyone out for Carnival this year will spot revelers with Trump wigs.

The number one seller for women this year, however, is dressing up as a doe or a unicorn, while men prefer American football gear.

Wave Gotik Treffen Leipzig
If all the Trump wigs are sold out, how about a steampunk outfit instead?Image: Imago/photo2000

Steampunk outfits are popular with both men and women, too, as are Pierrot mime clowns in black and white. Other carnival-goers in Cologne and Düsseldorf will certainly sport traditional outfits in red and white - the cities' colors.

Clowns, pirates, cowboys and Indians, nuns and bees, devils and angels are always popular. So are policemen and soldiers.

But this year, authorities are urging people planning to carry toy guns and fake assault rifles to leave them at home for security reasons. One look at the often realistic replicas might make the real police, who will be out this year in force, nervous.

Silke Wünsch
Silke Wünsch Reporter and editor at DW's culture desk