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What holds you back? What keeps you going, Guy?

August 7, 2015

Guy from Israel hasn't managed to find (or keep) a girlfriend. His answer to how he rewards himself gives a clue as to why.

Nur für Life Links - Handfoto Guy
We've asked Guy: What holds you back? The answer is written on his palm.Image: DW/D. Levitz

Name: Guy
Age: 29
Hometown: Tel Aviv, Israel

What is most important to you in your life?
Finding purpose.

Realistically, what do you expect from your future?
I am going to run for office and be exploring and gaining in experience in most fields in life in order to be able to be a well-rounded politician. That includes building businesses, social initiatives, academica and international development (to understand other issues in the world and how they solve them).

How do you spend your free time?
Working on my non-profits (when not working on my company), singing in my acapella group, playing sports, dinner with friends and trying to meet women online or through blind dates.

If you want to reward yourself by doing something special, what do you do?
Stop working and take a nap. And also eat really good food.

Israel is said to be full of high-energy and and innovation with a politically twisted system would you agree?
I feel israel is way too complex - more complex than most countries - to categorize it like that. But the energy is in fact insane, so I agree.

In Tel Aviv, Israel, how much is...
1 liter of milk: $2.10
1 liter of bottled water: $1.60
1 kg potatoes: $1.30
1 kg tomatoes: $1.30
1 hamburger: $13.20
1 cup of coffee: $3.95

#lovelinks: 'I'm not going to marry a non-Jewish woman'