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US election mudslinging – Europe’s future?

November 3, 2016

Clinton or Trump? The most indecorous and tasteless presidential election in the history of the United States is finally due to end. Could this style of politics become a model for European countries?


Our guests:


DW Quadriga – Gast Alan Posener
Image: DW

Alan Posener is an author and commentator for the daily journal “Die Welt”. He says: “What happens in the US is the attack of a fascist on democracy. And yes, that is also a trend in Europe. See Putin, Erdogan, Kaczinski, Orban, Le Pen”.


DW Quadriga – Gast Stefan Prystawik
Image: DW

Stefan Prystawik is a German-American publicist and member of the Republican party. He says presidential election times in America have been rough and tumble throughout history. What we are presently witnessing, however, ‎is a "bullshit" candidate who has hijacked an entire political movement to his own end and essentially stands for nothing but his hyper-inflated ego.

DW Quadriga – Gast Sabine Müller
Image: DW

Sabine Müller-Thum works for ARD radio in Berlin. Until 2013 she was correspondent in Washington. She says: “German politics are not nearly a dirty as in the U.S. yet, but we’re definitely on a worrying downward trajectory”.