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Swedish Health Minister Opposes Anti-Smoking Campaign

October 25, 2004

Swedish minister of health, Morgan Johansson, has rejected a new EU anti-smoking campaign that calls on governments to put photographic warnings on cigarette packs to deter people from smoking.


Swedish minister of health, Morgan Johansson, has rejected a new EU anti-smoking campaign that calls on governments to put photographic warnings on cigarette packs to deter people from smoking. "I am sceptical towards the use of photos on cigarette packages and happy with the written warnings in place today," the Svenska Dagbladet quoted her as saying. EU Health Commissioner David Byrne launched an anti-tobacco campaign last week including 42 graphic pictures to warn people against smoking. Canada has used similar graphic imagery and warnings on cigarette packs with some success since 2000. Brazil also has a similar scheme in place. (EUobserver.com)