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Still a reliable Partner at 60!

May 29, 2013

Salisu from Nigeria is not only a big fan of the Hausa Program but also of everything else DW does. On DW’s 60th birthday, he would like to think back to some meaningful moments he has had over the years.

Image: AP/PRNewsFoto/Teleflora

Indeed you can expect a lot from an international radio station that provides such quality programming. I can say that DW has always entertained and educated audiences while being an extremely reputable broadcaster.

I have been an ardent listener of DW programming for a very long time. I can’t recall the exact year when I started listening to DW, but I suppose it was around 1983 when I was leaving primary school and applying to university. At that time the Hausa service was like a partner to me, providing a reliable source of information with entertaining programming.

As a boy from Nigeria, an English speaking nation, I found the English used in the programming to be very easy to understand and was a daily listener.

What first motivated me to tune in to DW
I first learned about DW’s English broadcasting through the Hausa service magazine "Zumunta" and later on I wrote to DW and requested a programming list and schedule.

Aside from the news, "Talking Point" was a DW program that I really considered to be interesting. I really enjoyed every bit of it and I am sure that other listeners all over the world share my opinion.

During all these years I must say that DW has proven to be a reliable source of news and information, especially about Africa. DW is a great source for those in search of knowledge and adventure. Listeners can depend on quality information through well-researched programming managed by a highly competent international staff.

The Hausa service, where I began my relationship with DW, has provided a strong platform for Hausa speakers in Africa and around the world to interact, meet new people and learn about what is happening in their communities while at home and abroad.

In this way DW has helped spread and share new information about cultures around the world.

Special moments
When it comes to sports, DW’s English service always gets it right – broadcasting just at the perfect moment to bring listeners in Africa and around the world closer to the action. You can really feel the impact while games are being played in Europe and elsewhere.

Educational programs are also important in Africa. DW is community oriented in its programming and stories are told directly and without exaggeration.

Most people in Africa are interested in politics and business. With DW, all kinds of news reaches our ears. If I could describe DW myself it would be like "a window through which you can see what is happening far away, as if it were very close."

Recent technological advancements have really helped DW users and fans. The DW website brings us all of the news and information anytime of day without having to turn on the radio.

What I like about Deutsche Welle
In my opinion a good radio station should have a competent staff that works well with the public in everything they do. I have met some DW staff here in Nigeria and I must say they are always very courteous. Whenever I write to DW it’s like writing a friend because I know I will get a reply, which is something I really appreciate. I always get the information I request from DW without a hitch.

Thanks to DW and their 60 years of hard work, the globe is better connected by friends and groups and businesses that are growing ever stronger. Associating with DW is quite an experience – it is a radio station that really carries weight!

A salute to you for clocking 60! We are all proud to be associated with you! More grease for your elbows, Deutsche Welle!

Sent by: Salisu from Nigeria
Edited by: Kerstin Boljahn