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Publication | Russia: The media between state control and commercialization

Volume 2 of DW-AKADEMIE’s International Media Studies series is now available. The book, in German, documents the Deutsche Welle academic symposium, Media Dialogue 2010.


In Russia the Kreml currently dominates – directly or indirectly – the entire mass media. With regards to freedom of the press, the country ranks low on international press indexes. At the same time, however, the Russian media sector has also experienced an upswing over the past several years. “Russia: The Media Between State Control and Commercialization” was the title of the first Deutsche Welle Media Dialogue, held in Deutsche Welle’s broadcasting center in Bonn in April 2010.

Volume 2 of the International Media Studies publication Russland: Medien zwischen Staatslenkung und Kommerzialisierung enlarges on the academic symposium with in-depth articles. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the structure and current developments in the Russian media market. Experts from the academic world and those working in the field present the many layers of a media landscape positioned between state influence and economic success.

The International Media Studies series is named after the Master’s Program offered by DW-AKADEMIE together with the Bonn University and the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. The academic program’s interdisciplinary, bilingual curriculum combines studies in media and development, journalism, communications and media management.

Band 2 – Russland: Medien zwischen Staatslenkung und Kommerzialisierung is available online and under the link below.