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John from Australia

September 23, 2013

Watching whatever, whenever, wherever – no problem for John. He always has DW with him.

Image: privat

Name: John
City / Country: Melbourne / Australia
Year of birth: 1955
Occupation: Phytosociologist

I use DW because of sensible, informative programs such as In Good Shape which I initially viewed on a local community TV station. But now that I have access to your range of programs on the web, the world's my oyster.

I am interested in Geography, nature, scuba diving, health/nutrition, travel

What I especially like about DW is the sensible, informative and intelligent approach (my once-excellent government station has been "dumbed-down" almost to the level of the major commercial stations). Now I can access your range of stations on the web and catch In Good Shape when I am away from Melbourne (including past episodes or topics). It is great to be able to choose the particular topic I wish to watch.

My first experience with DW: In Good Shape was the first then your world news show In Focus. I am yet to explore further, but may even start to learn German again through your tutorial program.

My wish for the future is to be able to restore some quality viewing of a range of intellectual and educational programs.

Sent by: John from Australia
Edited by: Jeanette Müller