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Getting rid of spider veins

July 30, 2015

They look like blue spider webs and form on the upper and lower leg. 80 percent of all adults have spider veins. Dr. Stephan Hillejan explains whether they're dangerous and how they can be removed.

21.01.2015 DW fit und gesund Krampfadern 1
Image: Fotolia

DW: Are spider veins dangerous?

Dr. Stefan Hillejahn: Spider veins are tiny enlarged veins that branch off from the deeper-lying saphenous veins and, because of their location near the surface of the skin, are externally visible. They alone pose no threat to your health, but they do often indicate a weakness in the connective tissue and are considered precursors of varicose veins. To be on the safe side, sufferers should have shimmering reddish-blue blood vessels examined to rule out disorders of the deeper-lying veins. To do that, modern ultrasound and X-ray examinations are available."

Can spider veins be prevented?

One of the main causes of spider veins is connective tissue weakness. It often has a genetic basis and can't be treated, but victims can still do something. Especially if their parents or other relatives suffer from spider veins or varicose veins, active excercise - jogging and climbing stairs - and adequate fluid intake should be part of their daily routine. Both promote elasticity in the walls of the veins and a smooth flow of blood. Alternating warm and cold baths for your legs in the mornings can provide additional help. Experts advise against frequent saunas and sun bathing, because they promote the development of spider veins and varicose veins.

Do creams or other remedies help remove spider veins?

Unfortunately, no household remedies such as exercise or creams can do anything about already existing spider veins. If the problem is merely a cosmetic one and a vein specialist, a phlebologist, rules out serious venous disorders, no treatment is necessary from a medical point of view. But if visible veins bother you, it's best to ask the phlebologist to inform you about what treatments are available. Until then, water-resistant cover-up creams help conceal these minor blemishes.

What treatments are available to spider vein sufferers?

Basically there are two types of therapy that can successfully treat spider veins. If the visible network of tissue consists of only tiny blood vessels, laser therapy has proven to be a successful measure. The phlebologist irradiates the vascular malformation with a special laser that gently penetrates the outer layers of skin. When it reaches the affected blood vessel this light energy is transformed into heat and seals the spider vein from within. In veins with a larger diameter, specialists use sclerotherapy. A chemical is injected into the vein that damages its lining, causing the vein to close and turn into scar tissue, which the body breaks down by itself, bit by bit.

30.07.2015 DW fit und gesund Dr. Stefan Hillejan

Dr. Stefan Hillejan is a phlebologist and proctologist at the Clinic for Venous and Anorectal Disorders in Hanover.


Interview: Marita Brinkmann