German Evangelicals' Political Future | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 15.11.2004
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German Evangelicals' Political Future

Fundamentalist Christians have so far failed to become a political force in Germany. Some of DW-WORLD's readers lamented the fact in recent e-mails.

The Christian Democrats aren't Christian enough for some

The Christian Democrats aren't Christian enough for some

The following comments reflect the views of our readers. If you would like to have your say on this or another issue, please click on the feedback button below. Not all reader comments will be automatically published. DW-WORLD reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

I sure hope it will happen before it is to late. But first the congregation must grow. Without faith it will not happen. The gospel must be preached. Europe has become hedonistic overall. I'm glad that God brought me to America. Thank God. -- Dominique

Yes, I believe German Christians could become a significant part of politics in Germany, again. After all, Martin Luther, Hans Scholl, Martin Niemoller, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer (to name a few) did such against huge odds and people who tried to, or did, kill them! -- Doug Ferrell

I am a third generation German-American and an Evangelical Christian. Your news story was very encouraging to me. I know a number of wonderful German Evangelicals but didn't know how widespread the revival is becoming in the fatherland. Apart from the political aspects, having many believers in the population is a very positive thing. -- Stuart Gathman

As a follower of Christ, I will make my voice heard, including in the political arena. If that makes me a "radical Christian," I'll take it as a complement, though I know DW does not mean it to be one. As far as Christian voices becoming a significant political force in Germany, yes, I think it can happen, be it God's will. After reading a poll taken in Germany where only 20 percent of Germans consider religion a major part of their lives, I would say Germany would be quite providentially blessed to have a strong Christian political force. -- Kevin Reed, Colorado, USA

These would be 'radical' Christians like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Confessing Synod of the Barmen Declaration, who resisted Hitler. The mainstream 'Christians' are the same as the German 'Christians' who supported Hitler. They might seem a little different to you, but they aren't harmful, unless you prefer the National Socialist Democratic Workers Party to the SD or CD. -- Steve Schaper

To equate a tiny political party in Germany with 70 percent of the American population or even the 59,000,000 Bush supporters is asinine. But, it does not matter. The real fear in Germany should be Islam. Unlike Christians, Muslims do not hesitate to kill those who oppose/question them, e.g. (recently murdered Dutch filmmaker) Theo van Gogh. Quit wasting your time with the "radical" religion that is responsible for western civilization in Europe. Without Christianity all of Europe would already be Muslim. In 10-15 years 40 percent or more of Germany's population will think religion is important, and when you hear Athan (call to prayer) five times a day, remember your article. -- B Klaske

Interesting, your article labels church-going Christians in the US as "conservative" and in Germany as "radical." Of course, radical or not, mainstream Germans and other western Europeans seem to have very little interest in the Christian faith. I don't think you have to worry about the "radical" Christians taking over your government any time soon. The most likely trend will be the growing influence of Islam on western European politics over the next 25 years. -- Boyd Lawrence, USA

Radical Christians? Yes, in the sense that Jesus was a true radical! I think that Bible-believing Germans can become a political force in Germany, but only if they become convinced that God wants them to affect politics by being the salt of the earth. As Christians we are called to do everything legally possible to slow the decay of this world. -- David Reich, Oregon, USA

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