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Euromaxx Highlights

August 16, 2015

In this edition the Edinburgh festival, artist Piet Mondrian, Switzerland's Fribourg canton, French cuisine and the tape recorder.

2013 DW euromaxx highlights

Edinburgh in Festival Fever

500.000 visitors from all over the world flock to the Scottish capital to be entertained by artists from various fields and organisations. High brow meets low brow culture, celebrities meet up-and-coming-talent, with the picturesque backdrop of Edinburgh's old town.

Artist Piet Mondrian

Mondrian's Composition with Red, Black,Yellow, Blue and Grey. Rectangular blocks of colour separated by a grid of black lines. The Dutch painter established this art form.

Canton of Fribourg

The most wonderful aspects of the German-French Canton Fribourg in Switzerland are undoubtedly the centuries-old bridges , the water-sports center in the medieval town Estavayer-le-Lac and the famous town Gruyères, known for it's delicious cheese.

Grilled Sea Bass

It's a small, inconspicuous restaurant tucked into the coast - but it has been serving illustrious guests for decades, from Robert de Niro to Bono. Owner Pierre Quirino shows us how to prepare grilled Sea Bass.

Celebrating 80 years of reel-to-reel recorders

On 16 August 1935, the AEG company launched the world's first tape recorder, the "Magnetophon K1”. The invention of the tape recorder revolutionized music and brought it closer to the public: for the first time, people could make their own recordings of both music and language.