DW programming in Asia now on the same frequency | Receiving Deutsche Welle's TV programming in your area | DW | 29.03.2011
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Local Reception

DW programming in Asia now on the same frequency

Deutsche Welle will simplify the reception of its services for Asia.

Starting November 22, 2010, Deutsche Welle will provide its two channels DW-TV ASIA+ and DW-TV ASIA, as well as DW-RADIO, on the TP4H transponder from the AsiaSat3S satellite.

This change will also improve the quality of reception for listeners and viewers in Australia and New Zealand. DW-TV ASIA+ will remain available on the old transponder until December 19, 2010, at which time it will be transferred indefinitely.

Viewers with a set-top-box will have to do a program search using the following parameters to ensure the reception of all DW programming:

Frequency 3,760 GHz
Polarization horizontal
FEC 7/8
Symbolrate: 26,000 Msymbols/s

You can find a map of the reception area below.
