‘Digital first:’ DW is on the lookout for innovative digital trends and ideas | Press | DW | 30.06.2017
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‘Digital first:’ DW is on the lookout for innovative digital trends and ideas

The media industry is in the vanguard of digital transformation. Therefore DW is teaming up with innovative digital experts from Germany and abroad. One of them is Trevor Evans, co-founder of Stream Time.

Stream Time

Stream Time founders Trevor Evans (left) and Joel Freeborn

Stream Time is a modern-day TV guide for live streaming. Co-founder Trevor Evans, who acquired his skills and competencies working in sales for over six years and consulting multiple startups and business apps, came up with the idea for Stream Time as he was frustrated at missing out on live streams from his favorite football team. He looked to see if there was a way to be notified in advance but couldn't find anything. He discussed the issue with his close friend and now co-founder, Joel Freeborn, and the concept for Stream Time, a modern-day TV guide for live streaming, unraveled quite quickly.

At Deutsche Welle’s Global Media Forum in June 2017 participants used Stream Time’s services via the conference website.

Trevor, what is the USP of Stream Time? 

The ability for broadcasters like Deutsche Welle to schedule live-streaming events into their feed is a great way to plan activities and increase potential audiences. It is also a great way for users to discover interesting content. Stream Time so far is the only all-in-one place to schedule live streaming, consisting of a web app, a mobile app and embeddable web widgets for websites. 

What kind of person/department/company will benefit from Stream Time? 
Broadcasters, viewers and publishers.

A broadcaster will typically be an influencer or a brand that has live-streaming content as part of their marketing strategy. They will want to maximize the potential reach of this audience, and get as many people viewing their live content as possible.

A viewer will be somebody who wants to watch live content and get involved. They are interested to see what is available, but usually unable to find appropriate content to watch due to a lack of discovery.

Publishers are able to deliver content on their website to their audience via a web widget we provide. Users will be able to interact with this to find interesting content, and generate engagement with the host site, whilst offering a new service.

Did you fund the project yourself or did you have investors from the beginning? 

We were fortunate enough to have secured funding for the initial part of the project. Using this funding wisely, we have budgeted to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to take to market. From there, we hope to establish a good user base to prove the concept works to attract further investment so we can take Stream Time to where we want in the next two years.

Who are your (international) partners and how did you they get involved? 

Our development team is based in the Ukraine. Having worked with them in my previous role as a mobile app consultant, I know them well and Joel was a designer at this agency. We know what to expect. 

Where do you hope to be in two years time? 

We want to be the number one go-to place for all live streaming. We have established a roadmap of exciting new features to help us achieve this, and they will be steadily rolled out over the next few years.

Thank you - and good luck. 

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