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Eco opinion

July 29, 2016

Although the reality of climate change has begun to dawn on the world, the response thereto, says guest writer Desmond Majekodunmi, is too slow. The only way to avert crashing into a global catastrophe is to act now.

Eco Hero Desmond Majekodunmi
Image: DW/T. Walker
Finally! The inconvenient truth that the anthropogenic induced carbonization of our earth’s atmosphere is causing global warming, which is driving climate change to potentially catastrophic dimensions, is being acknowledged.

Tragically, however, and despite strident warnings from iconic individuals like Ban Ki-moon, Al Gore, Howard Stern, Bill Gates and advanced scientists on the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) that global warming - caused mainly by the relentless burning of fossil fuels - is becoming the greatest threat in human history, actions towards mitigating this potential catastrophe are sluggish.

It is now being acknowledged in informed circles that the only way to slow the carbonization process for long enough to develop the necessary will to shift to cleaner energy systems, is through massive tree planting, reforestation and forest protection.

That is why the focus of this year’s World Environment Day was planting trees and why there is a goal to get seven billion into the ground over the next ten years. With their massive tracts of tropical rainforest and mangroves, West Africa, tropical South America and South East Asia are the most viable areas to offer the carbon sequestration service that could help avert the looming disaster.

It is indeed, the height of irony that the territories contributing least to the problems caused by atmospheric over-carbonization – largely a product of greed - are the ones now best-placed to offer the most immediate solution. These territories, which were victims of that same insatiable greed and terrible heartlessness in the form of Western nations plundering and pillaging their natural and human resources over decades, have been projected to the frontline of the biggest battle humanity has ever faced.

Many of these territories are also the first to feel the wrath of the climate change monster, with some, like Nigeria, already reeling under the devastating effects of desertification, gully erosion and ocean surge. As such it is certainly in their best interest to deploy whatever resources are available to tackle this gargantuan problem, regardless of the fact that it is not of their own making.

To this end, we are encouraged by recent climate change mitigation and adaptation schemes launched by Nigeria's Ministry of Environment under Amina Mohammed - not least the collaborative West African "Green Wall" initiative that aims to tackle desertification in the northern regions.

The operative word here is "collaboration", and one fervently prays and hopes that for the sake of our beloved children who face a common threat to their wellbeing and their very existence, we will all collaborate to do whatever it takes to decarbonize our atmosphere and afforest our land before we cross the tipping point of no return.

Desmond Majekodunmi is an environmental expert and farmer living and working in Nigeria. He also writes and speaks about the changing climate and need for afforestation. Sometimes #link:http://www.dw.com/en/rapping-for-massive-reforestation/a-19416310:he even sings.#

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